Your key for unlocking endless creative content ideas
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services

Your key for unlocking endless creative content ideas

May 17, 2023

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

How we engage with prospective customers has changed fundamentally in the last few years, and smart operators know that delivering engagement and meaningful content is critical to establishing authority, credibility and relevance for your target market.  In fact, ongoing engagement while consumers choose when they will engage is 90% of the prospecting challenge today.

One of the major issues for busy professionals however is continually creating that content.  Content creation is probably the single largest barrier for many professionals in adopting an engagement marketing strategy, and “the thing” I hear most as the objection to doing so.

The issue is not writing an article or producing a video as such though.  The toughest part is working out the idea to begin with.  That is the challenge within “the challenge”.  That is actually where most of the time gets consumed; in simply trying to be (or get) “creative” to begin with.

So here is the quick tip for finding your flow when it comes to creating content: Your WORD is your content key…

In this weeks video we discuss finding your theme, or key word, and then using a really simple process to expand upon it by mind mapping, or brainstorming, to create a host of content creation ideas like the diagram below.

…watch the video to learn more…

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 Good Content May Not Be Enough For Your Audience
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