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Creating Content That Engages Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Creating content that engages your target audience takes a lot of effort, and nothing is more frustrating than creating something which you think is marvellous only to find that it goes nowhere because nobody knows about it, and nobody shares it around. It doesn’t have to be that way of course. While […]
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Get Writing To Leverage Your Brand
by Tony Vidler        Whether you realise it or not you have a brand, and ideally you want your brand to be attracting ideal clients. The problem with most prospecting and lead generation activities for most advisers and firms is that they aim at capturing one prospective client at a time.  There is no significant […]
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The most relevant content for clients and prospects? THEIR questions…
by Tony Vidler        The constant puzzle for many looking to be more effective in engaging their clients is finding relevant content, or information to share.  One of the constantly overlooked areas of HIGHLY relevant content is the actual questions that clients ask… There are several ways of sourcing client questions of course, from the informal […]
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The easiest content creation idea in the world!
by Tony Vidler        Even when advisers finally buy into the need to engage patiently with prospects the content creation required to feed an engagement marketing system worries them.  Creating content seems to be so hard for so many, which is odd because professional advisers are masters of creating content.  They do it every day […]
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Your key for unlocking endless creative content ideas
by Tony Vidler        How we engage with prospective customers has changed fundamentally in the last few years, and smart operators know that delivering engagement and meaningful content is critical to establishing authority, credibility and relevance for your target market.  In fact, ongoing engagement while consumers choose when they will engage is 90% of the […]
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How To Crack The Content Creation Conundrum
by Tony Vidler        Content Creation appears to be the Number 1 barrier for professionals wanting to use digital marketing tactics.  Inevitably I seem to hear   “……Yeah, I think social media would be useful….but I have nothing to write about and nothing to say….“   Creating content is an issue.  Just as big an […]
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What is “Good” Content To Use In Your Marketing?
by Tony Vidler        With prospects taking longer than ever to convert into clients, “good” content has become king as that is what keeps them engaged as they move along their buying journey.  Notice I said “good” content…..not just any old content.   But what is “good”?  Content which is good is the content which […]
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Good content may not be enough for your audience
by Tony Vidler        Creating good content and putting it out for your target market is great marketing. It may not be enough though to simply create “good” content and put it out there in the world.   Just because you have good content and you are putting out there doesn’t mean that it is […]
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Which content works best for Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead Generation is the primary goal of content (or engagement) marketing for many.   The effort and time invested in producing, sourcing and delivering content to an audience of potential future clients has a single purpose, and that is to move them closer to wanting to do business with you.   […]
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An easy way to create content when you don’t feel creative
by Tony Vidler        Building an engaged audience of future prospects requires us to create content in todays environment.  We need to feed the search engine machines, and we need to continually deliver content which educates or empowers those with whom we wish to do business.  They take time to decide who to choose to […]
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