
Adviser to the Advisers
Speaker. Thinker. Coach.

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Tony Vidler – Business Adviser

Tony Vidler is a business adviser who focuses on helping business professionals build more profitable advice businesses.

There are many many things that can be done to build a better business, but Tony has a simple beginning point:

Do you have as many customers as you need?

A simple question…but a complex problem for many. This is key issue that Tony resolves:

“I get more customers
for my customers”

Tony Vidler is a Conference speaker, personal business mentor & sales coach, business adviser & generator of ideas for helping professionals build their advice businesses.

There are simple, effective ways to do this that any professional can master once they know how, so building effective marketing systems and tactics that you can carry on using and and which are focussed on getting you more business is a key to long term success for any practice.

Getting the initial message and value proposition defined and well articulated is often the beginning point - and the area of greatest value for most professionals who work with Tony.

It is about putting in place practical business ideas that you can actually use to grow your business – a simple objective, but one which takes skill and thought to achieve. With over 15,000 social media, e-zine and blog followers, I walk the talk. I know how to get attention and interest, & build a great brand, and am recognised as one of the Top 250 online influencers in financial business services globally.

If you want to watch for a while and see for yourself, then subscribe to the Financial Adviser Coach blog and get good tips and ideas to grow your business delivered to you each week.


Business Adviser to the Advisers


Professional. Practiced. Proficient. Positioned. Personalised.
That’s what you get from every engagement with me, whether that is as a conference speaker, running workshops or delivering training sessions. Renowned for delivering high paced & information packed presentations that are fun – but with lots of practical takeouts for audiences. I don’t just talk about value. I deliver it every time.


I see the world differently to other professionals, and think differently. Strategic insight into how the changes in consumers, technology, marketing and delivery of professional services can result in doing business differently – and better – creates different options for professionals who are looking ahead.

Perhaps the greatest strength is the ability to help define and articulate points of difference that matter – creating value propositions that deliver meaningful positioning and messages to target markets.


A great coach has the technical knowledge and competencies to be able to understand quickly where effort or resources  are best applied to achieve extraordinary results.  Balancing up the capability, capacity and opportunity issues of the practice, together with the resources, budgets and desire of the practitioners results in strategies that can work without creating stress.  They also have the skill and acumen to understand what your values, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses are – and how to work with them to achieve the greatest result.


Business Adviser & Sales Training Coach

Taking a break…
Taking a break…
Practice Management & Strategic Issues
Why Advisers Need To Invest In Their Businesses. Now.
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers really need to invest more into their practices. Now.  More money, more thinking, more strategy….more leverage.  Even those who have been investing probably need to invest more. For decades financial advisers have been able to to operate “lifestyle” businesses.  It has enabled them to largely choose when they will […]
Best Practice Advice & Practice Management & Professional Services
There are 2 big questions before you fire a client.
by Tony Vidler        I encourage you to try this: fire a client. It is liberating, and it moves your thinking and sense of self worth onto a different professional plane.  Pretty much everyone who has been in professional practice for more than a year has at least one or two clients who are just a […]
Advice Processes & Best Practice Advice & Compliance & Practice Management
Client Complaints: Fight it, or just Fix It?
by Tony Vidler        Client complaints are a fact of life.  It is virtually impossible to run a service business where everyone is happy 100% of the time, as human beings are involved and they are unpredictable creatures with ever-shifting expectations.  The art of good client complaint handling is knowing when to fight and when to […]
Advice Processes & Financial Advice & Financial Planning & Value Proposition
Why we get fee resistance
by Tony Vidler        Whether we like it or not there is always the possibility of fee resistance in delivering financial advice, and how we present our service is a large part of that problem.  Price is always a problem in the absence of obvious value.  It doesn’t have to be…we just need to think through […]
Best Practice Advice & Compliance & Practice Management
How can you be sure that your advice will pass the test?
by Tony Vidler        The nagging worry for financial advisers in today’s environment is “how can I be sure that my advice will pass the test?” The concern is understandable given that policymakers typically do not understand the difficulty of applying any sort of objective assessment of suitability to professional opinions – which is fundamentally what […]