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The Gordian Knot of Getting Referrals
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals consistently is hard for most…but oddly enough it is also easy for many.  Or is it? Lots of advisers say they get all their new business from referral, but when you dig into things it seems that actually they don’t get a lot of referrals. The ones they get […]
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Want to Cross-Sell? Then put a bit of planning into it…
by Tony Vidler        We all know that cross-selling services and products to clients is critical to maximising the value of the client relationship as well as ensuring you are delivering full value to your clients. So why is it so often neglected? In part cross-selling is skipped because so many professional advisers today do […]
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Sell holes, not drills, to get more customers
by Tony Vidler         When people go to the hardware store and buy a fantastic electric drill they are not usually terribly interested in the drill itself. They want a hole. This is an elementary truth about consumers buying behaviour  They buy products for what the products can do for them, not because they just […]
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Demonstrating Value To Make Prospects Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Successful advisers today make sure they are demonstrating value to prospects...before the prospects have agreed to engage and become clients. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains […]
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How clients choose a Financial Adviser when they all seem the same
by Tony Vidler        How do clients choose a financial adviser to use when everyone looks about the same? Sure there are individual differences in the human beings, with the full range of beautiful people, and those who are beautiful only to their mothers perhaps, and all the different skin tones and body shapes that […]
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Creating A Value-Based Strategy
by Tony Vidler        One of the toughest things for professional services firms to do – especially those that operate in the advice space – is settle on a strategy to guide the decisions in building the business. It is helpful to consider strategy from a very broad perspective to begin with, and settle on […]
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You Need A “Tight 5” For Ongoing New Business Success
by Tony Vidler        You want new business and new clients, right? When it comes to building an audience of influencers, advocates, raving fans and interested spectators who will all send business your way, it all begins with having your own Tight 5.  If you follow rugby you probably know where I am heading straight away, […]
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The Case Study is an incredibly powerful (and under-utilised) Adviser marketing tool
by Tony Vidler        The case study is without doubt one of the most effective marketing tools a professional can use today as clients demand more and more content which engages them and highlights expertise.  It is one of the more powerful marketing tools for professionals services, and appears to be largely ignored by professionals. It […]
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Target Marketing: Is it an “Either/Or”?
by Tony Vidler        Advisers talk about target marketing as if it is an “either/or” choice. One has to be focussed on the ideal client only and ignore everyone else, or alternatively, you have to be focussed on dealing with as many potential clients as possible and give up on the idea of the “ideal”. […]
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Creating Content That Engages Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Creating content that engages your target audience takes a lot of effort, and nothing is more frustrating than creating something which you think is marvellous only to find that it goes nowhere because nobody knows about it, and nobody shares it around. It doesn’t have to be that way of course. While […]
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