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Want to Cross-Sell? Then put a bit of planning into it…
by Tony Vidler        We all know that cross-selling services and products to clients is critical to maximising the value of the client relationship as well as ensuring you are delivering full value to your clients. So why is it so often neglected? In part cross-selling is skipped because so many professional advisers today do […]
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How Great Regular Producers Stay In Top Gear
by Tony Vidler        Great regular producers are those who continually deliver good revenue results time after time.  Week in, week out, they never miss a beat and just keep pumping the numbers through.  They are elite. Elite high performing advisers, like elite athletes, have high performance routines. Their routines are the the answer to “how?” […]
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The Right Way To Present Your Advice Recommendation Effectively
by Tony Vidler        When it is time to present your advice recommendation, whether that is providing quotes or product solutions or providing a strategy, are you giving the prospect a few choices…like 3 perhaps? Don’t do it. Consumers are onto it, so as a “sales technique” it loses impact…and it was never fabulous technique […]
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How clients choose a Financial Adviser when they all seem the same
by Tony Vidler        How do clients choose a financial adviser to use when everyone looks about the same? Sure there are individual differences in the human beings, with the full range of beautiful people, and those who are beautiful only to their mothers perhaps, and all the different skin tones and body shapes that […]
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referral generation for financial advisers
How to position yourself for referrals from clients
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals on an ongoing basis from happy clients largely comes down to positioning for them correctly. Put some thought into how you will position the expectation, and when you will do it in your client engagement, to increase your chances of success. Most importantly though, earn the right to them and […]
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It’s Prime Networking Time!
by Tony Vidler        There are two types of advisers at this time of year: 1.  those who begin finding it tough to close out the game 2.  those who are already started on a new game. Typically in December & January most clients are trying to close out their own business games….get THEIR jobs […]
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The Words We Choose To Use Have Power
by Tony Vidler        If we want to give ourselves the best chance possible of influencing clients and prospects to change course, which is what professional advice is all about really, then there is no doubt that the words we choose to use can make an enormous difference. Enough experts have done enough research over enough […]
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Time Management Problem? Try Planning Your "Perfect Week" To Begin With…
by Tony Vidler        Why is time management such an issue for professionals when they are good at planning? We can take it as a given that financial advisers and financial planners are good at planning generally.  And they are very good at operational planning, which is that stuff that often gets referred to as […]
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Want Prospects To Open Up? Learn from the Pro’s who make millions doing it for a living…
by Tony Vidler        We need prospects to open up if we are to to do our jobs well and help them as much as possible.  That takes a bit more thought and skill than merely flicking between open and closed questions. In today’s world with it’s much greater emphasis upon individual opinion and with our […]
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Content for your marketing has never been easier…just get it delivered.
by Tony Vidler        Content marketing is resonating with financial advisers but many still struggle with working out what content to share, and most still think they have to create it all themselves.  Yet getting content for your marketing has never been easier.  So it shouldn’t be the barrier to improving, or increasing, engagement that many […]
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