The easiest content creation idea in the world!
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos

The easiest content creation idea in the world!

May 24, 2023

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

Even when advisers finally buy into the need to engage patiently with prospects the content creation required to feed an engagement marketing system worries them.  Creating content seems to be so hard for so many, which is odd because professional advisers are masters of creating content.  They do it every day within their businesses.

In fact I’d love a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone say “…but what should we write about?” (or any of the variations thereof, such as “what do I put in my newsletter?“).  When you ask them how much time they spend researching and analysing and then putting that knowledge into advice documents they groan, because it is an extraordinary amount of time…time creating content, yes?

But there is an even more simple idea for great content than using the opinions and thoughts and knowledge you are creating for clients and prospects daily:

make a list.

Here is another idea: make more lists.

Lists are really effective forms of content partly because they are so easy to create, and especially because most consumers really like lists. There are some other compelling reasons to use lists as part of your content, as we explain in this weeks quick video…

…watch the video to learn more…

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