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Got a content problem? Get Google to deliver it…
by Tony Vidler        Content marketing is finally resonating with financial advisers but many still struggle with working out what content to share, and most still think they have to create it all themselves.  That in itself is a barrier to improving, or increasing, engagement with content marketing. The solution is “curate” more than “create”.  There […]
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One sure way to build an audience
by Tony Vidler        As more professionals lean more on social media  as an integral part of their marketing a common question is “how do I get more people following me?“.  How do you guild an audience in other words. There are a lot of ways to create an audience of course, but there is […]
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Engage, Engage, Engage…Make prospecting a PROCESS!
by Tony Vidler        If real estate is driven by location, location, location, then surely the prospecting process is driven by engage, engage, engage. I’ve previously posted about the problem with generating referrals consistently largely coming down to the lack of engagement with, and by, clients.  A process of engagement is also often the missing […]
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The easiest content creation idea in the world!
by Tony Vidler        Even when advisers finally buy into the need to engage patiently with prospects the content creation required to feed an engagement marketing system worries them.  Creating content seems to be so hard for so many, which is odd because professional advisers are masters of creating content.  They do it every day […]
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When Social Media Marketing Sucks
by Tony Vidler        A lot of advisers tell me that social media marketing sucks for financial services. They know, because they have been trying to market themselves using social media and the results are not good for them.   If it isn’t working it must suck, right?  “Working” generally means “getting new prospects or […]
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Lead with the business you DON’T want to get the business you DO want
by Tony Vidler        We all want to get more business, but we really want to just get the right sort of business for ourselves or our firm naturally.   If you have figured out what sort of business it is you do want to get then you have (by default) figured out the areas of […]
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8 Seconds to Get – or Lose – Your Prospect. Maybe less.
by Tony Vidler        You will get or lose your prospect – your potential future client – in just 8 seconds….well, actually it is a lot less than that.  The clock is ticking…and a lot faster than you realise.   In reality you have 3 seconds or less to get them to engage with you and […]
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2 Things To Do For Social Media Lead Generation
by Tony Vidler          When it comes to social media lead generation it would appear that the majority of professionals still have reservations about the effectiveness of it as a marketing strategy. Yet, everyone they know uses social to connect, research, engage and decide on future actions.  Somehow most think that all of these […]
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The Shortcut To Creating Trust
by Tony Vidler        Simply creating trust with a prospective client is the initial hurdle to having them engage in the advice process.  To be fair the required level of trust initially is relatively low – can they trust you not to waste their time…can they trust that you really know what you are doing….can […]
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Using Facebook For Business: Where’s the line?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers wanting more customers are hesitant about using Facebook for business as they struggle to figure out where the line is between being social and being commercial and being too personal.  Understandable really…it IS a blurry area for everyone, including the consumers who don’t really go to Facebook for business […]
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