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Are you sure your clients know what else you COULD do for them?
by Tony Vidler        All too often advisers are disappointed to find that a client has done business elsewhere…that their “main” adviser could have done for them! The reason is usually a very simple one: the clients do not know everything we could do for them.  Or perhaps they did know, but forgot.  Or worse, […]
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One Fast-Track Method To Establishing A Reputation As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        Personal reputation is more important than ever before, and not just because more people are googling you before deciding to meet with you. One of the other main reasons your professional reputation matters so much is because it is increasingly a driver of professional referrals. rofessional referrals are those where a client […]
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Uncomfortable with Referrals? No problem…there is another way…
by Tony Vidler        Being a firm believer that Word-Of-Mouth marketing is THE most effective form there is, I do bang on about being referable and engaging with the target market…but… REALITY CHECK: Some people just never feel comfortable giving referrals. In fact there IS a good chance that you will jeopardise your existing business […]
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There is a need for speed with lead conversion…
by Tony Vidler        Speed kills…except in sales….there IS a need for speed with lead conversion.  By calling a lead personally within 5 minutes of receiving a lead you can increase your chances of getting them as a customer by 100 times for example. Unbelievable, right? Research shows it to be absolutely true.  Perhaps Maverick said […]
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The best way to manage emotional clients
by Tony Vidler        There comes a time for all of us when we find ourselves dealing with a client who is not acting rationally, or logically, and is driven by their emotions. It’s tough to handle isn’t it? There is every risk that whatever you do will be seen as confrontational, or dismissive and […]
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The most relevant content for clients and prospects? THEIR questions…
by Tony Vidler        The constant puzzle for many looking to be more effective in engaging their clients is finding relevant content, or information to share.  One of the constantly overlooked areas of HIGHLY relevant content is the actual questions that clients ask… There are several ways of sourcing client questions of course, from the informal […]
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The Value of GETTING Good Advice
by Tony Vidler        If you believe in the value of advice, then it makes sense to believe in the value of getting good advice for yourself – or rather, for your business. Nearly every small business can benefit from having a robust governance structure providing strategic input (and insight), additional skills, accountability and excellent […]
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Help Referrers Really Understand Who You Want To Meet
by Tony Vidler        One of the reasons referrers don’t give us quite the right quality referral most of the time is that we are often very poor at describing the person we work best with when we are having a referral discussion to begin with. It’s our fault; not theirs for the wrong sort […]
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Know and Use the Principles Of Influence Deliberately
by Tony Vidler        One of the most important pieces of work for professional advisers in the last 3 decades would have to be Robert Cialdini’s Principles Of Influence. Essentially he has distilled the lessons of human behaviour into a relatively small group of principles which most humans are influenced by.  There are exceptions of […]
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Target Market: You actually need 3 of them…
by Tony Vidler        Whenever we talk about target marketing and chasing an ideal client it seems to be assumed that there is just one “right client profile”. Not true. There are usually 3 target market client profiles that I recommend, as we have a commercial requirement to balance up the odds of getting the […]
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