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There is a need for speed with lead conversion…
by Tony Vidler        Speed kills…except in sales….there IS a need for speed with lead conversion.  By calling a lead personally within 5 minutes of receiving a lead you can increase your chances of getting them as a customer by 100 times for example. Unbelievable, right? Research shows it to be absolutely true.  Perhaps Maverick said […]
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Improve your sales results with a quick “Kerbside Review”
by Tony Vidler        One of the most effective ways to improve sales results is to spend 2 minutes on a reflective process after each client meeting – whether it was a good or bad one. It is the “kerbside review” (I know…USA spelling, but this concept did originate in America I believe!) If we […]
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Deal or No Deal? Advice is that simple at the beginning. Really.
by Tony Vidler        One of the greatest challenges for professionals working with complex ideas and products is to keep initial advice as simple as possible, without being patronising to the client or skipping the detail that compliance demands.  After all, it takes great skill and careful thought to be able to simplify complex information […]
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A simple approach to getting clients to ACT now
by Tony Vidler        We often find ourselves giving good advice only for clients to then dawdle over the implementation of it.  Getting clients to act NOW is a challenge.  Not acting on the advice presents a range of “risks” for clients of course as well as being frustrating for the adviser, and possiblu jeopardising […]
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Brainstorming for fact finding financial advice
How to challenge clients thinking without being confrontational
by Tony Vidler        Perhaps the toughest task any adviser faces is to challenge clients’ own thinking, but without getting into a confrontation that threatens the entire relationship.  Most of us find ourselves occasionally dealing with a client who already thinks they know the answers – they haven’t come to us for advice, they have […]
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Engage With Your New Connections To Get On With Business
by Tony Vidler        So you have some new connections on LinkedIn…congratulations.   What now?  Or rather, what next? How does actual engagement begine?   Making new connections via LinkedIn is great…but it is better if you can take those new connections and turn them into meaningful engagement and conversation. It is a business-to-business platform […]
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whats in it for me
Client Engagement: The WIIFM Question Is Really 3 Questions
by Tony Vidler        WIIFM. What’s In It For Me? No sale is ever made, no client ever signs on, until you’ve clearly addressed the WIIFM question as it is THE dominant question running through every prospects mind.   Most of us know this….and despite knowing it, most people in professional services struggle to address […]
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Financial advisor sales activity
Slow down and get better results
by Tony Vidler        To get better results one usually has to change something, and sometimes it strangely enough better results can be achieved from doing something which seems counter-intuitive:  Slowing Down.   Anyone who has played a lot of sport knows that when things get disjointed and are not quite working seamlessly, the trick is […]
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Using Visuals To Sell Bad News And Complex Ideas
by Tony Vidler        Disclaimers and fine print don’t ever really help in selling tough ideas, but visuals do sell complex or tough-to-swallow concepts quickly and easily.   Nowhere is this more true than when you want to manage client expectations and “pre-sell” what is likely to happen in the future so that everyone avoids […]
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Understanding why people buy…anything.
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to advising clients to change course or do something new we should remember the reasons why people buy anything, including “advice”.  If we want our advice to be effective (and lead the client to do something better than they are currently doing) then it is best to make […]
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