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Scope Creep: The Number 1 Problem In Fixed Fee Advice
by Tony Vidler        “Scope Creep” is the killer for the Holy Grail of professional services business models: fixed fee advice.  That ideal model which so many aspire to is having clients who agree to ongoing fixed fees, and the practice income just rolls in month after month.   Fixed fee advice being delivered on […]
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Productivity Tip: Prioritise the Activities that Yield the most
by Tony Vidler        Managing time is not a productivity tip.  Time ticks on regardless and you can’t “manage” it.  What you can do is prioritise how you use it. So here’s the top productivity tip: To handle a significant workload AND get the results you want you need to prioritise the activities that yield […]
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How To Produce Your Own Videos In The Office
by Tony Vidler        I’ve lost track of how many times I’m asked “how do you produce your own videos that you put out each week?”   The ugly truth is that I spend twice as long figuring out what I want to produce a video about than I do figuring out what I am […]
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Even Great Advisers Can Use A Coach
by Tony Vidler        Great advisers can use a coach.  Even great advisers running great practices can use a coach.   Pretty bold assertions, right? I mean, after all, we are talking about people who are actually pretty damned good at what they do AND they are good at running the business as well.   […]
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Professionals Have, And Use, Processes
by Tony Vidler        True professionals don’t just HAVE processes, they have processes they use everywhere in their work. All the time. Professionals are in fact process-driven.   We need to learn from those professions where the outcome of a poor day on the job is literally life or death.  That isn’t generally the case […]
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The Number 1 Negotiating “Skill” That Advisers Need
by Tony Vidler        Every adviser needs to use negotiating skill every day…if not every single meeting in every day. We are constantly negotiating with all stakeholders of course but it is the constant negotiating with clients, or on behalf of clients, that often becomes a source of stress and angst for all parties, with […]
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YOUR need will kill the sale
by Tony Vidler        I think it has always been true, but it is more true than ever: a needy adviser is a major turn off to potential clients.  YOUR need will a sale.   Sometimes, perhaps too many times, the reason why consumers do not buy is because of us. Whether we are trying […]
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Getting More Prospects To Buy Your Advice
by Tony Vidler        To get prospects to buy your advice and change direction you have to “sell emotion” and support it with logic, right?   Not quite….there is a piece missing in this formula which is is largely accepted as the methodology for selling intangibles I believe. I believe that the missing ingredient is […]
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When Your Sales Numbers Suck…
by Tony Vidler        Sometimes the best thing an adviser can do is admit to themselves that their sales numbers just suck.   It’s the age-old “you can’t improve something until you admit that there is something wrong with it“.   The reason for pointing out the obvious here is that there are plenty of […]
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How to create engaging conversations
by Tony Vidler        Creating engaging conversations with people you don’t know well, or who feel they don’t know you well enough, is difficult.  It can be even more difficult when they are guarded…thinking maybe that you are just there to sell them something.   You can engage even the most guarded and difficult prospects […]
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