There is a need for speed with lead conversion...

by Tony Vidler
Speed kills…except in sales….there IS a need for speed with lead conversion. By calling a lead personally within 5 minutes of receiving a lead you can increase your chances of getting them as a customer by 100 times for example.
Unbelievable, right?
Research shows it to be absolutely true. Perhaps Maverick said it best: “I feel the need for speed”.
It should be the mantra when it comes to following up on new enquiries too if you want to be a Top Gun in professional services. (Notice though that I said “following up”….not “trying to get them to buy something now”)
In this weeks quick video we discuss some other aspects of that research and consider how we can learn from it so that we increase the chances of those leads choosing to do business with us.
…watch the video to learn more…
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