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“Always Be Coaching”, NOT “Always Be Closing”
by Tony Vidler        Coaching clients is a concept which is beginning to gain traction with financial advisers, and for many this is a new line of thinking.  After all, they were taught that “you should always be closing”, right?  No matter what else you are doing with prospective customers, and no matter what they […]
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influencer soft skills
The Adviser as an Influencer
by Tony Vidler        The financial adviser is supposed to be an influencer…our role is to influence others to make better decisions than they would otherwise have made.   In order to become a more effective adviser the ongoing development of the skills that are required to deliver influential advice should be deliberately developed.  But […]
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The Words We Choose To Use Have Power
by Tony Vidler        If we want to give ourselves the best chance possible of influencing clients and prospects to change course, which is what professional advice is all about really, then there is no doubt that the words we choose to use can make an enormous difference.   Enough experts have done enough research over […]
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pitching the message
Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Every practice needs to be pitching their marketing efforts at the ideal point in the target market’s buying process, because no practice has enough money and time to cover every possibility. Today’s consumers go through a process of engaging with professionals which is a little different to the consumers of 20 years […]
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transition to business
Lost Sales Skills: How to “get down to business” without drama
by Tony Vidler        The advice industry has lost a lot of sales skills, and it needs them. If we are to help consumers make better decisions and change behaviour then we have to be able to help convince them to change.   The first tension point for today’s professionals is how to transition from the […]
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The Benefits Of A Prepared “Sales Script” (and the steps to making one)
by Tony Vidler        Everyone you talk to hates sales scripts – especially clients and prospects.  Professionals hate them nearly as much.       I love them.  And I think professionals should love them too.       It is probably one of the most under-rated “steps to success”  because there is a perception […]
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Talk is cheap…but the returns are fantastic
by Tony Vidler        Word-of-mouth remains the best marketing professionals can use, or get. The next best is “talk”.  Talk to clients and prospects directly.  One-to-one…actually spending time communicating directly with each other…voice to voice…human to human.   While I love using digital and leveraging it to communicate to as many people as possible, and it […]
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soft dollars adviser incentives
Soft Dollars are terminally ill….thankfully
By Tony Vidler, CFP CLU ChFC I’m calling it: Soft dollars for financial advisers as we know them today is officially “terminally ill”.  Their death is not quite guaranteed, but the odds are very high that they shall die soon’ish…  But I personally think they will die far faster than most expect.  And thank God […]
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