How could you make your “Advice” become tangible?
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services

How could you make your "Advice" become tangible?

July 26, 2023

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

Sensory sells…having an intangible become tangible absolutely helps people buy.  And when it comes to buying “the tangible”, presentation is everything isn’t it?

The most ordinary things become something special when beautifully wrapped and presented.  The wrapping and presentation creates intrigue and interest and heightens the anticipation and pleasure….

Is it possible to tap into that when it comes to selling intangibles, like a financial plan or a business report?


We CAN take some steps to “wrap up advice” and make it something which creates a stronger sense of anticipation, ownership, and higher perceived value.  In this weeks quick tips video we discuss ways you might go about wrapping your advice up to make it far more attractive and valuable to clients…

Watch the video to learn more…

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