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8 Seconds to Get – or Lose – Your Prospect. Maybe less.
by Tony Vidler        You will get or lose your prospect – your potential future client – in just 8 seconds….well, actually it is a lot less than that.  The clock is ticking…and a lot faster than you realise.   In reality you have 3 seconds or less to get them to engage with you and […]
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How to get Clients to agree to the right cover level
by Tony Vidler        It can be challenging getting clients to agree to what we know is the right cover level for their insurance needs.  Whatever numbers we come up with analytically and logically are greeted with disbelief more often than not.   Considering that most clients see most insurance most of the time as […]
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You Deliver Value, So Why Not Promise Value Up-Front?
by Tony Vidler        Why not promise value up-front if you know you can deliver that? It sems an obvious question to ask, yet I find myself continually asking it of financial advisers. Nearly every professional gives an initial “no obligation meeting” to prospective clients, and nearly everyone delivers value to those prospects during that initial […]
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How To Present Adverse Insurance Decisions
by Tony Vidler        That sinking feeling you get when an insurer comes back with terms and you have to present an adverse insurance decision…basically telling the client that actually, they are a higher risk of something bad happening….it is an unpleasant and stressful time for a financial adviser. Not great for the client usually […]
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The 4 Parts To Getting The COI Onboard
by Tony Vidler        Getting the COI onboard requires a fair bit more than a smile and a handshake.  The potential Centre-Of-Influence that you want to network with is the gatekeeper to the clients you want to work with, and there are generally 4 things that stand in the way of them actually letting you […]
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Get enthusiastic if you want clients to engage you
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a simple thing to do if you want to have more clients engage you:  Get enthusiastic about it.   Professional advisers have become dreadfully serious people with the  focus on process and technical knowledge.  Not surprisingly the work for many has become more of a drag and the whole process […]
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7 Warning Signs That The Prospect Is Wrong For You
by Tony Vidler        No matter how hard you try to get it right, sometimes the prospect is wrong for you.  You are wasting your time and would be best to just cut your losses and move on quickly.  They are not a right fit for you, or you are not a right fit for […]
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The Words We Use Can Break Or Make The Sale
by Tony Vidler        We can break a probable sale or make the sale in an instant. It can turn on a phrase or sometimes even a single word. The words we use matter. When it comes to the words we use in conversation we all have our own idiosyncracies and quirks of speech, and […]
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How To Get Your Voicemail Message Responded To
by Tony Vidler        Voicemail messages which do not get responded to is without doubt the bane of most professionals working lives…frustrating, time consuming, inefficient….voicemail has become the “first line of defence” for prospects and clients alike.  Their number 1 method of avoiding you.   Too many minutes & hours are lost constantly leaving messages […]
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Is Your Value Proposition Consistent With Your Strategy?
by Tony Vidler        Two areas advisers wrestle with forever seem to be creating a value proposition and creating a strategy.  There is a way of  helping to define both in broad terms quickly, and that carries the massive advantage of ensuring that the two are aligned.  Your value proposition should reinforce where you are […]
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