Sales & Selling


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YOUR need will kill the sale
by Tony Vidler        I think it has always been true, but it is more true than ever: a needy adviser is a major turn off to potential clients.  YOUR need will a sale.   Sometimes, perhaps too many times, the reason why consumers do not buy is because of us. Whether we are trying […]
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Getting More Prospects To Buy Your Advice
by Tony Vidler        To get prospects to buy your advice and change direction you have to “sell emotion” and support it with logic, right?   Not quite….there is a piece missing in this formula which is is largely accepted as the methodology for selling intangibles I believe. I believe that the missing ingredient is […]
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Reaching todays “common client”
by Tony Vidler        Reaching todays common client is not easy for professionals.  They are easy to find for sure, but reaching them and getting their attention is something else again.  When you consider how a buying process happens today it becomes a lot easier to understand why it is so hard – and what […]
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When Your Sales Numbers Suck…
by Tony Vidler        Sometimes the best thing an adviser can do is admit to themselves that their sales numbers just suck.   It’s the age-old “you can’t improve something until you admit that there is something wrong with it“.   The reason for pointing out the obvious here is that there are plenty of […]
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Your Constant Output Problem Is Usually Really An Input Problem
by Tony Vidler        We like constant output…constant revenue coming in the door is the output we seek right?  Too often financial advice businesses struggle to achieve constant output though…it gets a bit “peak and trough”.   Well…when we have a repeated problem – like inconsistent results – we need a process.   Why?   […]
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Who is paying who for financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Who is paying who for financial advice will become the biggest question in consumers minds as the industry stakeholders continually and very publicly debate fees, commissions  and conflicts of interest in financial services.   For many advisers yet to experience it, full transparency on costs and fees is good for business. […]
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more referrals from being thoughtful
Thoughtful Thank You’s Generate More Referrals
by Tony Vidler          Getting more referrals from existing clients and relationships is often a challenge, but you can generate more referrals from past referrers with a little more thought.   Being thoughtful about expressing gratitude extends beyond “what is an appropriate gift”.  Being thoughtful about how you deliver a gift and how you […]
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Replacing Insurance: Right? or Always Wrong?
by Tony Vidler         Replacing insurance – or “Churning” as it is often called –  is a topic guaranteed to generated heated debate within the industry.  At one extreme there are advisers whose entire business seems to exist by churning anything and everything that they can get their hands on…regardless of consequences to the consumer.  At […]
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business owner to business owner
Peer-To-Peer Marketing: it’s just one Business Owner to another
by Tony Vidler        Research keeps telling us that peer-to-peer marketing, or old fashioned word-of-mouth advertising and recommendations, is still the most effective form of marketing there is.  Virtually no discriminating consumer today trusts advertising – and virtually all consumers who are prospective professional services clients are discriminating in that they are increasingly selective, wary […]
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telephone track closing
Getting the right style and structure for an effective telephone track
by Tony Vidler        Being able to build an effective telephone track is a core skill for any adviser, and yet, so few seem to understand how to build one.  It is perhaps one of those “lost sales skills” from the last decade or so, where new entrants into the advice industry have veered away […]
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