by Tony Vidler
There’s too much emphasis now placed upon “what you know“. Who you know matters more if you want to have a successful business. I know…I know…heresy! (But hear me out).
Most professional advisers today actually know enough. Sure, we always need to improve and there’s always more to learn and continuous learning is simply a part of being a professional…BUT…the balance between professional improvement and improving the performance of the professional is wrong for too many people at the moment. The focus upon “knowing more and more” technical stuff is in many instances detracting from the business development of the professional.
To develope successful professionals there has to be a continuous investment in developing competency but there also has to be a continuous focus upon developing relationships and professional reputation simultaneously.
One of best known truisms in business is “it’s not what you know, but who you know” and this is especially true in professional services where trust is a critical element for consumers selecting a professional to guide them in significant life and business decisions. Getting to know people must happen usually before we’ll trust them. Getting to be known BY people must happen before they will decide to do business with us…it cuts both ways.
The bottom line is that if there are two equally competent professionals but only one of them is well known and has a strong network and profile, then it is that one who will prosper the most. It’s a pretty simple concept then, all other things being equal:
“Your success at networking makes a massive difference to how many prospects you have, and how many clients you can create“.
The most successful sales people, the greatest business builders and leaders, political leaders…they all build careers and empires on the back of superb networking abilities. Getting known…”who you know”….will carry you a long way towards where you want to be.
Work on it.
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