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Here is how to explain, and show, your value to a client in 30 seconds
by Tony Vidler        I am a massive fan of using simple diagrams to explain technical ideas, but they are also a fabulous way of articulating concepts that people struggle to grasp. One of my favourites is a very simple picture that anyone can scribble on a scrap of paper in 30 seconds, which is […]
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How do you create an “Act Now” mindset with clients?
by Tony Vidler        One of the ongoing challenge in marketing professional services is simply getting people to “act now”.  We have to overcome their lack of urgency. Because our service will still be there tomorrow, right?  And usually the need to be addressed by us is a future need, and maybe well into the future….so […]
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A simple way to boost your marketing impact with your daily emails
by Tony Vidler        Have you thought about the marketing impact you could get with your daily emails?  Probably not, because rarely do we think of the 60-100 emails we send 1-to-1 daily as “marketing” so we also don’t think of them in terms of having a potential return on investment either.  But we should…in fact […]
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Use a puzzle to provide clarity to clients!
by Tony Vidler        How often do financial advisers struggle to explain to prospective clients, or audiences at large, what it is they do? Providing clarity so that clients do not struggle to understand the explanation must be the objective, surely? This diagram pictured on the left is an excellent tool that works well (even with […]
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Sales Technique Is The Key To Opening Minds
by Tony Vidler        “Sales Technique”…the very phrase sends shudders down the spines of professionals today it seems.  Despite the focus on our increased technical knowledge and the emphasis upon good process, financial advisers do actually have to “sell” – even if they don’t want to face up to that. A large problem for many newer […]
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How To Get Buy-In From Clients To Full Advice
by Tony Vidler        Clients often want advisers to deal with just one element of financial planning…their current “burning issue” that triggered the need for advice to begin with.  Getting them to engage in full advice can be tough and they need to understand what you CAN do for them, and where your knowledge and skills […]
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How do you know your financial advice is suitable?
by Tony Vidler        Knowing that your financial advice is suitable for a client is something that every professional adviser is willing to attest to, but proving it when challenged can be incredibly dificult. Advisers are increasingly being challenged and therefore seeking assurance that their practices are robust and will withstand such scrutiny.  Whether that scrutiny […]
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Are you sure your clients know what else you COULD do for them?
by Tony Vidler        All too often advisers are disappointed to find that a client has done business elsewhere…that their “main” adviser could have done for them! The reason is usually a very simple one: the clients do not know everything we could do for them.  Or perhaps they did know, but forgot.  Or worse, […]
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Sales Activity Can Be Gamified
by Tony Vidler        Some things are timeless simply because they have stood the test of time, and focusing upon sales activity is one of them.  “Sales activity” as a concept is probably abhorrent to many professionals today, but it is simply about managing the inputs which provide the outputs that your business wants. It […]
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There is a need for speed with lead conversion…
by Tony Vidler        Speed kills…except in sales….there IS a need for speed with lead conversion.  By calling a lead personally within 5 minutes of receiving a lead you can increase your chances of getting them as a customer by 100 times for example. Unbelievable, right? Research shows it to be absolutely true.  Perhaps Maverick said […]
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