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How to balance client time with practice development
by Tony Vidler        An ongoing challenge for advice firms is balancing client time with all the practice development work necessary to have a better business.  There are after all only so many hours in a day, but then there are deadlines for when new standards and rules have to be met if one is to […]
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Give COI’s the experience of what you do
by Tony Vidler        One of the most effective things you can do to create confidence and support from prospective COI’s is take them through your client experience. Actually do the job that you do, for the Centre Of Influence. It is incredibly powerful and effective, and the chances are good that you will pick them […]
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Sales Technique Is The Key To Opening Minds
by Tony Vidler        “Sales Technique”…the very phrase sends shudders down the spines of professionals today it seems.  Despite the focus on our increased technical knowledge and the emphasis upon good process, financial advisers do actually have to “sell” – even if they don’t want to face up to that. A large problem for many newer […]
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Create Video’s To Improve Your Client Service Experience
by Tony Vidler        Most advisory firms don’t create videos of their own it seems.  So, most advisory firms do not appear to have taken advantage of the consumer appetite for video, or how they can improve client service & experience (& efficiency) by creating their own videos.  It seems they have not done so […]
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How To Get Buy-In From Clients To Full Advice
by Tony Vidler        Clients often want advisers to deal with just one element of financial planning…their current “burning issue” that triggered the need for advice to begin with.  Getting them to engage in full advice can be tough and they need to understand what you CAN do for them, and where your knowledge and skills […]
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How do you know your financial advice is suitable?
by Tony Vidler        Knowing that your financial advice is suitable for a client is something that every professional adviser is willing to attest to, but proving it when challenged can be incredibly dificult. Advisers are increasingly being challenged and therefore seeking assurance that their practices are robust and will withstand such scrutiny.  Whether that scrutiny […]
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Sales Activity Can Be Gamified
by Tony Vidler        Some things are timeless simply because they have stood the test of time, and focusing upon sales activity is one of them.  “Sales activity” as a concept is probably abhorrent to many professionals today, but it is simply about managing the inputs which provide the outputs that your business wants. It […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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The most relevant content for clients and prospects? THEIR questions…
by Tony Vidler        The constant puzzle for many looking to be more effective in engaging their clients is finding relevant content, or information to share.  One of the constantly overlooked areas of HIGHLY relevant content is the actual questions that clients ask… There are several ways of sourcing client questions of course, from the informal […]
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Blending Old Ways With Modern Comms To Get Attention
by Tony Vidler        Blending the old and the new can be a great way to get attention in the digital world, and there are few better examples than this one from an older adviser who was happy for me to share it.  He generates excellent engagement and responses…and it is so simple! Remember the […]
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