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Blending Old Ways With Modern Comms To Get Attention
by Tony Vidler        Blending the old and the new can be a great way to get attention in the digital world, and there are few better examples than this one from an older adviser who was happy for me to share it.  He generates excellent engagement and responses…and it is so simple! Remember the […]
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Presenting Professional Collaboration to Clients Simply
by Tony Vidler        Consumers increasingly need solutions which require professional collaboration between different experts, and while plenty of suggestions can be found about how to collaborate with others from other professions, there is not quite so much suggestion about how to collaborate successfully with professionals from within the same sector. Consumers usually want fairly […]
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How To Generate Introductions Whenever You Want Them, To Whoever You Want
by Tony Vidler        Referral business is pure gold…it is the Holy Grail for advisers to be running a business where they are only working with referrals. Introductions are even better. Most advisers sit back and wait for clients or centre’s of influence to refer, but you can generate the referrals – or introductions -you […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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Clients need to be reasonable and meet expectations too
by Tony Vidler        It is not unreasonable to have reasonable expectations, is it? Whenever we enter into an agreement with somebody else to work together on anything it is fair to say that we both have expectations about how the arrangement is going to work. That applies whether the arrangement is moving into a […]
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Deal or No Deal? Advice is that simple at the beginning. Really.
by Tony Vidler        One of the greatest challenges for professionals working with complex ideas and products is to keep initial advice as simple as possible, without being patronising to the client or skipping the detail that compliance demands.  After all, it takes great skill and careful thought to be able to simplify complex information […]
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How to do client video testimonials the right way!
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are good for business – but we all know that, right? Video testimonials are even better for business – and not everyone has got THAT yet. Being able to see the body language, and hear the inflections in a clients voice as they talk about their positive experience, are far […]
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How to get your prospects attention…and keep it.
by Tony Vidler        Sad but true apparently: The average Goldfish has a greater attention span than the average human reader. That presents a bit of a challenge when it comes to us getting prospects’ attention and then holding it long enough to make our point and get them interested in engaging with us. If […]
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When it is time for a business name makeover?
by Tony Vidler        Where do you start when it is time to get a makeover for your business?  Change the business name? How do you even know when to think about it seriously?  The “when” is driven by whether your business is growing at the rate you expect, and attracting new clients.  If it […]
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What you should expect from good coaching
by Tony Vidler        It is a peculiar thing…most of us recognize the difference that getting good coaching – or poor coaching – can make to any athlete or sports teams performance.  In fact most of us have often held quite passionate views about the merits of coaches…Very few professionals however seem to make the […]
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