how often should i contact clients


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How much client contact is too much contact?
by Tony Vidler        Getting the frequency of newsletters or regular client communications right is a real challenge.  How much is too much, and runs the risk of you being a nuisance?  How much is too little, and runs the risk of you being forgotten? The right answer is “it depends”. It depends on your audience, […]
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Client Segmentation Needs To Be Done Commercially
by Tony Vidler        It is logical to do a bit of client segmentation so that you can figure out what levels of service can be offered to which clients profitably.  The funny thing is that most of the time it is the “profitably” part that gets lost in the client categorisation process….   While […]
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Client Contact Frequency: How much is enough?
by Tony Vidler        The question of whether client contact frequency makes a discernible difference to the strength of the adviser-client relationship, or enhances the perceived value of the adviser to the client, is one which is still debated continuously.   How often is often enough is the burning question.   Some research done on […]
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It Is A Journey To Becoming An Advice Client
by Tony Vidler        Becoming an advice client is not quick and easy for consumers really…every decision, every solution, every recommendation seems to be a major journey for them.   We know it is true, and we know that the process of onboarding a new client takes longer than ever and more barriers to engagement […]
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importance of frequent contact
The Importance of Frequent Client Contact
by Tony Vidler        Advisers underestimate the importance of frequent client contact  and “Frequent contact” is in itself a phrase that is interpreted differently amongst advisers.   So how often is “frequent”?  How often is often enough?  For a long while the mantra was “be in touch every 90 days”, but that was in a […]
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