Marketing Your Firm, and Marketing You are 2 different things
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services

Marketing Your Firm, and Marketing You are 2 different things

August 18, 2021

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

brand-youUnderstanding that marketing your firm and marketing you are 2 separate things is something that most professionals seem to overlook, or perhaps not understand.


For most of us there are at least 2 brands at play in the market (if not more), being the corporate brand of the practice or institution we work with, and then that of the individual practitioner.  While the marketing efforts of both need to be complementary, it does not follow that they be identical.  In fact I would argue that they should be different.


The firm needs to attract a certain volume of business, some of which an individual professional might handle.  The individual however should be focussing their own marketing efforts upon attracting a certain type of client or business – and that is not necessarily the same as that of the firm.


In this weeks quick video we discuss how the marketing efforts and messages of the two differ, but still be complementary, and the types of messaging which each should employ….


Watch the video to learn more…

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