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Your Reputation IS Your Personal Brand – and that matters most
by Tony Vidler        For most advisers the only brand that truly matters is, or should be, their reputation.  It IS their personal brand.  The corporate brand, or licensees brand, or dealer group or favourite financial insititutions…they are secondary to YOUR brand.  And when it comes to your personal brand, reputation is everything really. A […]
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Differentiate By Building A Strong Promise
by Tony Vidler        There are notable differences between high growth professional firms and others when it comes to differentiating themselves.  How they choose to express their value and stand out is quite different to the mainstream.   Undoubtedly the average or low growth firms inability to express what their difference is in relation to […]
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When it is time for a business name makeover?
by Tony Vidler        Where do you start when it is time to get a makeover for your business?  Change the business name? How do you even know when to think about it seriously?  The “when” is driven by whether your business is growing at the rate you expect, and attracting new clients.  If it […]
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No Value Proposition? You’re a commodity then.
how to avoid being a commodity as a professional adviser and being chosen on price or convenience comes down to having a strong value proposition. Building a great brand involves more than just a value proposition, but this alone can eliminate those who choose just on price...
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How to find your Niche
by Tony Vidler        Knowing and working exclusively in your niche is nirvana for most professionals.     Your niche is that absolute sweet spot where what you are fabulous at overlaps with what you love doing, and it is something that other people value and will pay you for.   It is not a simple […]
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How to Build Your Brand Influence
by Tony Vidler        Every Adviser has a brand, whether they realise it or not.  That brand influences prospects to engage you…or not.  You may as well manage it to get more positive outcomes then, right? We recognise the power and importance of the personal branding in athletes, celebrities and politicians, and yet, all too […]
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second opinion service from financial advisors
Marketing your Professional Opinion
by Tony Vidler        One of the best marketing ideas I have come across is the “Second Opinion” service, because it positions you as a professional, and as an “adviser” rather than a product centric financial services person.   The concept is brilliantly simple, and firmly centred upon providing sound professional advice.   You provide […]
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Reputation Is Everything Today, So Manage It.
by Tony Vidler        For anyone in professional services reputation is everything today.   It is a trust-creator, or a trust-killer.  Basically everything you do – every engagement  you work on, every social media post, everything you do at a function – adds to or detracts from your reputation.   A professional’s personal reputation is […]
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How To Become A Recognised Expert
by Tony Vidler        Many financial advisers would like to become a recognised expert in a particular area, and for many of them this is a genuine opportunity which they should pursue. The competency, depth of knowledge or mastery of subject, and professionalism are all there more often than not.  They are already actually experts […]
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Marketing Your Firm, and Marketing You are 2 different things
by Tony Vidler        Understanding that marketing your firm and marketing you are 2 separate things is something that most professionals seem to overlook, or perhaps not understand.   For most of us there are at least 2 brands at play in the market (if not more), being the corporate brand of the practice or […]
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