website lead generation


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How to get more eyeballs on your Call-To-Action
by Tony Vidler        Getting prospective customers to move from content engagement to your call-to-action is a critical step in improving qualified leads, and conversions of them to clients.  One of the things I love about technology today is that there are always new applications helping you to improve your sales and marketing efforts in this […]
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how many leads do you need for your marketing
Do you know what you actually need from your marketing?
by Tony Vidler        It might seem like a dumb question: but “How many leads do you need?” One of the most common questions I get asked is “what sort of marketing should I be doing?”…and my response is “well, how many leads do you need?” Here’s the point: you can’t begin to work out […]
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How Effective is Advertising For Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead generation advertising is one of those things that every firm considers and is willing to do…but only if they are confident it will work.  And every firm has seen too much of it that doesn’t work to have confidence in spending big money on lead generation advertising. Yet, there is […]
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2 Things To Do For Social Media Lead Generation
by Tony Vidler          When it comes to social media lead generation it would appear that the majority of professionals still have reservations about the effectiveness of it as a marketing strategy. Yet, everyone they know uses social to connect, research, engage and decide on future actions.  Somehow most think that all of these […]
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Make Your Testimonials Resonate With Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are great marketing, but they are losing their effectiveness a little if you still do them conventionally.  All is not lost with testimonials however, as one small change CAN make them resonate with your target audience a little better.   Consumers are not silly and they know we are never […]
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Which content works best for Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead Generation is the primary goal of content (or engagement) marketing for many.   The effort and time invested in producing, sourcing and delivering content to an audience of potential future clients has a single purpose, and that is to move them closer to wanting to do business with you.   […]
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What matters most on your website?
by Tony Vidler        What matters on your website the most is the stuff that we think about the least, and that is the very basic of basic stuff.  While we think about logo’s, layouts, CTA’s and how to generate enquiries we forget how consumers are using the websites, or rather, what they are using […]
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Lead Nurturing: “Me luv you long time” actually pays off
by Tony Vidler        It’s funny how the phrase “me luv you long time” has become iconic while being used as a blatant untruth.  The way it is used in modern pop culture is to highlight precisely the opposite attitude – me no luv you much at all, but me luv your money.  Adopting this […]
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