thought leader


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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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second opinion service from financial advisors
Marketing your Professional Opinion
by Tony Vidler        One of the best marketing ideas I have come across is the “Second Opinion” service, because it positions you as a professional, and as an “adviser” rather than a product centric financial services person.   The concept is brilliantly simple, and firmly centred upon providing sound professional advice.   You provide […]
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The 1 Big Mistake Professionals Make When Trying To Position As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        One of the greatest ways to attract the type of business you prefer is “Expert Positioning”, and most professionals could position as an expert if they really wanted to.  The reality is that most professionals are experts, and their knowledge should be highly valued…   But very few actually work to […]
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Getting to the point where “Ideal Prospects Call Me!”
by Tony Vidler        Who doesn’t want to be getting to the point where “ideal prospects call me” – and preferably continuously.  Being so busy with new client opportunities that you just can’t handle them….So many incoming calls from ideal prospects in fact that we have to put our fees up just to control the […]
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Being A Thought Leader Does Not Mean Being “First”
by Tony Vidler        Creating a position as a thought leader is superb marketing for professionals, and all too often they confuse “being a thought leader” with simply “being first”.   The rush to be “first” to express an opinion or provide insight often produces disappointing results for the audience and the would-be-thought-leader.  The urgency […]
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A Great Adviser is, or should be, a Thought Leader
by Tony Vidler         “Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success.”    The second sentence in the above quote seems particularly pertinent […]
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Share your opinion
Share Your Opinions If You Want To Get Noticed
by Tony Vidler        A core objective of great marketing is to get noticed, and what generates more notice than strong, well articulated and thoughtful opinions on topical issues?   Forming and then delivering an opinion is what professional advisers do for a living. With every client and every engagement opinions are created and expressed.  Virtually […]
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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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