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Want to Cross-Sell? Then put a bit of planning into it…
by Tony Vidler        We all know that cross-selling services and products to clients is critical to maximising the value of the client relationship as well as ensuring you are delivering full value to your clients. So why is it so often neglected? In part cross-selling is skipped because so many professional advisers today do […]
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It’s Prime Networking Time!
by Tony Vidler        There are two types of advisers at this time of year: 1.  those who begin finding it tough to close out the game 2.  those who are already started on a new game. Typically in December & January most clients are trying to close out their own business games….get THEIR jobs […]
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Time Management Problem? Try Planning Your "Perfect Week" To Begin With…
by Tony Vidler        Why is time management such an issue for professionals when they are good at planning? We can take it as a given that financial advisers and financial planners are good at planning generally.  And they are very good at operational planning, which is that stuff that often gets referred to as […]
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How to Position To Get The Right Referrals
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals is difficult enough for many, but to get the right referrals is even tougher. It’s always nice to get any referral of course, but it doesn’t help if we do get a referral and it is someone that we just can’t deliver great value to. So we do want to […]
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Is Insurance Churn Really The Issue We Think It is?
by Tony Vidler         Any time an insurance product is replaced by an adviser with an alternative one someone complains about “insurance churn” or the “twisting of policies” and the immediate inference is that something unethical just occurred.  Sometimes that is true of course, and there are undoubtedly bottom feeders in the industry who survive by […]
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One sure way to build an audience
by Tony Vidler        As more professionals lean more on social media  as an integral part of their marketing a common question is “how do I get more people following me?“.  How do you guild an audience in other words. There are a lot of ways to create an audience of course, but there is […]
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How To Get Buy-In From Clients To Full Advice
by Tony Vidler        Clients often want advisers to deal with just one element of financial planning…their current “burning issue” that triggered the need for advice to begin with.  Getting them to engage in full advice can be tough and they need to understand what you CAN do for them, and where your knowledge and skills […]
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One Fast-Track Method To Establishing A Reputation As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        Personal reputation is more important than ever before, and not just because more people are googling you before deciding to meet with you. One of the other main reasons your professional reputation matters so much is because it is increasingly a driver of professional referrals. rofessional referrals are those where a client […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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Try giving clients the Red Carpet treatment
by Tony Vidler        What is more effective: running a client seminar with 100 guests, or running 5 “red carpet” client events of only a dozen or so at a time? Research suggests that the best financial advisers tend to run smaller and more intimate client appreciation events, and do them regularly. The best advisers […]
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