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Compliance & social media use for financial advisers
How Advisers can remain compliant while using social media
by Tony Vidler        The difficulty of using social media but remaining compliant as a financial adviser seems to be a concerrn cited as a reason to not use social media by those advisers.  Various aspects of “compliance” are cited: the provision of best practice advice, privacy constraints, or legal responsibilities to a corporate stakeholder, […]
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social media for financial advisors
THE secret marketing opportunity few Advisers use
by Tony Vidler        The marketing opportunity for financial advisers in using social networks still seems to be immense despite social media being a well entrenched part of our daily lives.    I continually see reports and articles suggesting that despite personal use of social media the market penetration of various social media networks by […]
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What is the ROI of having “An Audience”?
by Tony Vidler        While I am a fan of “measuring to manage well”, some things just can’t be measured accurately.  Like having an audience.  How do you even measure the ROI of an audience? That’s why I believe we should forget what the ROI of social media is, in the conventional sense.   Here’s […]
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2 Things To Do For Social Media Lead Generation
by Tony Vidler          When it comes to social media lead generation it would appear that the majority of professionals still have reservations about the effectiveness of it as a marketing strategy. Yet, everyone they know uses social to connect, research, engage and decide on future actions.  Somehow most think that all of these […]
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Build An Audience Through Twitter
by Tony Vidler        Instead of “prospecting” shift the thinking to how to build an audience if you want a pool of potential future clients who might engage you.  That is one of the main factors in creating ongoing demand for advisory services in todays world.   Consumers are choosing when and how to engage, […]
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Using Facebook For Business: Where’s the line?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers wanting more customers are hesitant about using Facebook for business as they struggle to figure out where the line is between being social and being commercial and being too personal.  Understandable really…it IS a blurry area for everyone, including the consumers who don’t really go to Facebook for business […]
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Cold calling just ain’t social enough
by Tony Vidler        “Advisers are finding success using social sites to cull prospects, build their brand, communicate with clients and improve their referral network”    Apparently some 85% of advisers in the US are now actively using social media, and while I am mildly surprised by this result as it is higher than I […]
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socialising with clients
Socialise With Key Clients And Get More Business
by Tony Vidler        We know intuitively that when we socialise with key clients it builds trust and ultimately we get more business. More conversations create more opportunities, right?   What we don’t know though is how much more business it leads to…so we often wonder how much more we should socialise with key clients, […]
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center of influence referral marketing
Bring Back The Long Lunch…it will be good for your business!
by Tony Vidler        Tom Peters suggested many years ago that one of the most effective marketing activities a professional could engage in were weekday lunches. 250 of them in fact over the course of the year.     That is perhaps a bit excessive in today’s environment (and for ageing waistlines), but the concept […]
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There are prospects for you on Twitter
by Tony Vidler        Twitter is crowded and noisy and it can be difficult to get found by your prospects…but there ARE a few things you can do that will help them find you. There are prospects for you on Twitter…   Because Twitter is full of prospects who are engaged.  That is one of […]
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