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You really do have to sell more to your clients.
by Tony Vidler        Your clients will stay with you longer and be more valuable to you if you cross-sell more products and services to them. You will be more valuable to them if you sell more of what you do to them. Yes, yes…I know…there is that word “sell” and it doesn’t sit well […]
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Who you know matters more than anything else
by Tony Vidler        There’s too much emphasis now placed upon “what you know“.   Who you know matters more if you want to have a successful business. I know…I know…heresy! (But hear me out). Most professional advisers today actually know enough.  Sure, we always need to improve and there’s always more to learn and continuous […]
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Why didn’t the client call ME?
by Tony Vidler        “Our clients did business with another adviser and didn’t call us to do it – Why?” How often have I heard this from advisers? Too often. It is possible that they just don’t think you are very good, or maybe they just don’t like you.  Maybe that is why…but then, why […]
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Social Media: Are you hogging the conversation?
by Tony Vidler        You should post on social media once a week. No.  You should post 6 times a day! ummmm….how much is right? The short answer is “it depends”. It depends on the platform you are using, and it depends on your target audience and their appetite for content or engagement, and it […]
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Why don’t you roll the dice and ask for referrals anyway?
by Tony Vidler        On some things you just have to roll the dice and take your chances in life.  Asking someone for a date….getting on a plane…or asking for referrals. It doesn’t always work out of course, but as a great hockey player once said: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” […]
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Your key for unlocking endless creative content ideas
by Tony Vidler        How we engage with prospective customers has changed fundamentally in the last few years, and smart operators know that delivering engagement and meaningful content is critical to establishing authority, credibility and relevance for your target market.  In fact, ongoing engagement while consumers choose when they will engage is 90% of the […]
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Segmentation: Why not have everyone as “A” Clients?
by Tony Vidler        Segmentation of clients in your database is sensible, and some sort of labelling to differentiate them is necessary. The idea behind segmenting clients into different categories is  to introduce efficiency into a practice while recognising that not all clients are of equal commercial value to the firm.  It is also a way […]
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Think before you commit to that marketing idea…
by Tony Vidler        We all love a new and exciting marketing idea and it is easy to get caught up in thinking about its possibilities…but it is also easy to lose sight of what you should be trying to achieve too.  Focussing on tactics without having a clear strategy often results in disappointment as […]
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How to do client video testimonials the right way!
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are good for business – but we all know that, right? Video testimonials are even better for business – and not everyone has got THAT yet. Being able to see the body language, and hear the inflections in a clients voice as they talk about their positive experience, are far […]
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creating brand advocates for ongoing referral business
Creating A Client Advocate Culture
by Tony Vidler        In an ideal world all of our clients would become active advocates for us…and each client advocate would be the key driver of new business and growth in our practice, wouldn’t it?  Our clients would be so in love with how our advice and expertise has positively changed their world that […]
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