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Sales Technique Is The Key To Opening Minds
by Tony Vidler        “Sales Technique”…the very phrase sends shudders down the spines of professionals today it seems.  Despite the focus on our increased technical knowledge and the emphasis upon good process, financial advisers do actually have to “sell” – even if they don’t want to face up to that. A large problem for many newer […]
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Sales Activity Can Be Gamified
by Tony Vidler        Some things are timeless simply because they have stood the test of time, and focusing upon sales activity is one of them.  “Sales activity” as a concept is probably abhorrent to many professionals today, but it is simply about managing the inputs which provide the outputs that your business wants. It […]
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Improve your sales results with a quick “Kerbside Review”
by Tony Vidler        One of the most effective ways to improve sales results is to spend 2 minutes on a reflective process after each client meeting – whether it was a good or bad one. It is the “kerbside review” (I know…USA spelling, but this concept did originate in America I believe!) If we […]
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Brainstorming for fact finding financial advice
How to challenge clients thinking without being confrontational
by Tony Vidler        Perhaps the toughest task any adviser faces is to challenge clients’ own thinking, but without getting into a confrontation that threatens the entire relationship.  Most of us find ourselves occasionally dealing with a client who already thinks they know the answers – they haven’t come to us for advice, they have […]
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whats in it for me
Client Engagement: The WIIFM Question Is Really 3 Questions
by Tony Vidler        WIIFM. What’s In It For Me? No sale is ever made, no client ever signs on, until you’ve clearly addressed the WIIFM question as it is THE dominant question running through every prospects mind.   Most of us know this….and despite knowing it, most people in professional services struggle to address […]
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How To Get Paid For Each Piece Of Advice You Give
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a simple strategy for getting paid fairly for the advice you give….and I mean getting paid for ALL the advice you give…every step of the way.   There are broadly three possible parts to any client work: 1.  Planning 2.  Implementing, or “putting in place” any planning recommendations 3.  Ongoing […]
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Fix the prospecting problem forever
by Tony Vidler        You can fix all prospecting problems forever if you generate enough referrals.  It is that simple.  Get this right, and prospecting problems are non-existent, as the number one source of professional prospecting is going to be “word of mouth” for some time to come.   The theory on getting more refrrals […]
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Understanding why people buy…anything.
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to advising clients to change course or do something new we should remember the reasons why people buy anything, including “advice”.  If we want our advice to be effective (and lead the client to do something better than they are currently doing) then it is best to make […]
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How to get Clients to agree to the right cover level
by Tony Vidler        It can be challenging getting clients to agree to what we know is the right cover level for their insurance needs.  Whatever numbers we come up with analytically and logically are greeted with disbelief more often than not.   Considering that most clients see most insurance most of the time as […]
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How To Present Adverse Insurance Decisions
by Tony Vidler        That sinking feeling you get when an insurer comes back with terms and you have to present an adverse insurance decision…basically telling the client that actually, they are a higher risk of something bad happening….it is an unpleasant and stressful time for a financial adviser. Not great for the client usually […]
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