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The Words We Use Can Break Or Make The Sale
by Tony Vidler        We can break a probable sale or make the sale in an instant. It can turn on a phrase or sometimes even a single word. The words we use matter. When it comes to the words we use in conversation we all have our own idiosyncracies and quirks of speech, and […]
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How To Get Your Voicemail Message Responded To
by Tony Vidler        Voicemail messages which do not get responded to is without doubt the bane of most professionals working lives…frustrating, time consuming, inefficient….voicemail has become the “first line of defence” for prospects and clients alike.  Their number 1 method of avoiding you.   Too many minutes & hours are lost constantly leaving messages […]
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Fighting Off The “Free” Advice Competitor
by Tony Vidler        “Free” advice is never actually “free”, is it?   None of us are silly – including the people we are talking to as prospective clients.  Everyone knows advice isn’t free…it is at someone’s expense, and someone is hoping to get a payday from delivering the “free stuff” at some point. Someone […]
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When Your Sales Numbers Suck…
by Tony Vidler        Sometimes the best thing an adviser can do is admit to themselves that their sales numbers just suck.   It’s the age-old “you can’t improve something until you admit that there is something wrong with it“.   The reason for pointing out the obvious here is that there are plenty of […]
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telephone track closing
Getting the right style and structure for an effective telephone track
by Tony Vidler        Being able to build an effective telephone track is a core skill for any adviser, and yet, so few seem to understand how to build one.  It is perhaps one of those “lost sales skills” from the last decade or so, where new entrants into the advice industry have veered away […]
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what's in it for me
Answer the only question that matters and prospects will give you what you want
by Tony Vidler        The only question that matters to prospects is “W.I.I.F.M?”  The big “what’s in it for me?” question is the only question that matters when we are dealing with a prospective customer…someone who WE want to talk more to, but who doesn’t yet want to talk to us.   So what is […]
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telephone track closing
How to close out the phone call to get your desired action
by Tony Vidler        Bringing the phone call to a close successfully, and achieving your initial objective, is the ultimate point of a structured telephone track.   It is the end goal.   There is just a little bit of thought and structure to it – but not too much – and it is probably […]
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telephone track closing
Getting attention & positive engagement on the phone
by Tony Vidler        There is some methodology to getting a listeners attention and positive engagement on the telephone…it isn’t just good luck!   Of course, there is structure and methodology in building effective and entire telephone track.  It should be a core skill for any adviser, and yet, so few seem to understand how […]
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what is value
What IS value to your prospect?
by Tony Vidler        It may seem an obvious question; but do you know what “value” IS to your prospective clients?   Value can be determined by any individual in any number of ways of course, and what is valuable to one person is not necessarily so to another. Or what is valuable at one […]
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How to get customers enthused when our products are boring
by Tony Vidler        How can we create or transfer enthusiasm to a customer when: Our products are as boring as the boring-est thing ever. The Value that customers receive from financial services products could be years and years and years away….if “physical value” actually ever turns up at all Our products are as boring as the […]
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