reputation marketing


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Your Reputation IS Your Personal Brand – and that matters most
by Tony Vidler        For most advisers the only brand that truly matters is, or should be, their reputation.  It IS their personal brand.  The corporate brand, or licensees brand, or dealer group or favourite financial insititutions…they are secondary to YOUR brand.  And when it comes to your personal brand, reputation is everything really. A […]
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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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Building Your Reputation: Talk About The Elephants In The Room
by Tony Vidler        When Accountants struggle to be highly trusted then financial advisers are going to have a real battle doing so.  If the Accountants only get rated as “Highly trusted”  in professional ethics and honesty by less than half the population then what chance that an Insurance Broker will rank higher in the […]
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First, Become Famous In Your Neighbourhood
by Tony Vidler        Where are your advertising dollars, and efforts, going to get the best return? It seems that the majority of small businesses get the majority of their new clients from their local area, which is not terribly surprising given that most professional service businesses largely compete on “convenience”. Without a compelling value […]
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Taking advantage of Online Reviews
by Tony Vidler        Online reviews of virtually everything – including professional advisers – are now part of the landscape.  You can choose it ignore them, but they won’t ignore you.   Consumers are used to leaving their opinion about their service experience on LinkedIn, Facebook, Tripadvisor and a thousand others…and they will increasingly leave […]
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Are You “Marketing” The Right Message?
by Tony Vidler        Do you know what business you are in? Are you clear on what you achieve for customers?   Does your marketing message reinforce that?   Are you marketing what it is you actually DO, rather than what you know or who you are…or worse: you are marketing some other businesses products […]
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The 1 Big Mistake Professionals Make When Trying To Position As An Expert
by Tony Vidler        One of the greatest ways to attract the type of business you prefer is “Expert Positioning”, and most professionals could position as an expert if they really wanted to.  The reality is that most professionals are experts, and their knowledge should be highly valued…   But very few actually work to […]
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The Shortcut To Creating Trust
by Tony Vidler        Simply creating trust with a prospective client is the initial hurdle to having them engage in the advice process.  To be fair the required level of trust initially is relatively low – can they trust you not to waste their time…can they trust that you really know what you are doing….can […]
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Reputation Is Everything Today, So Manage It.
by Tony Vidler        For anyone in professional services reputation is everything today.   It is a trust-creator, or a trust-killer.  Basically everything you do – every engagement  you work on, every social media post, everything you do at a function – adds to or detracts from your reputation.   A professional’s personal reputation is […]
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How To Become A Recognised Expert
by Tony Vidler        Many financial advisers would like to become a recognised expert in a particular area, and for many of them this is a genuine opportunity which they should pursue. The competency, depth of knowledge or mastery of subject, and professionalism are all there more often than not.  They are already actually experts […]
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