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Is Acquisition – or Merger – Worth It?
by Tony Vidler         Many firms facing increased overheads and infrastructure costs in the next few years are considering acquisition or merger strategies as a survival or growth strategy.   Generally there appears to be  5 main reasons that advisers suggest as their reasons for acquisition of another business.  They are:    1.  Get new […]
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Does “Growing” Really Mean “More Clients”?
by Tony Vidler        Just about every adviser says they want to be growing their business and need more clients….and they also want fresh ideas; the business satisfaction of solving new problems for new people; they want to do something NEW.   So they say they want more clients plus more interesting work plus more […]
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A Value Proposition is simply about the value for THEM
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers generally struggle to create a value proposition that accurately expresses how they work differently, or what makes them special compared to others.   It isn’t that they don’t have points of difference, or that they struggle to put ideas into words…generally they are very good at both. Each adviser has […]
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Which Clients To Keep; Which Ones To Fire
by Tony Vidler         More clients is good, right? But when you have plenty of clients on the books the question becomes which clients to keep. Or which ones to get rid of.  Actually, advisers should be constantly asking these questions regardless of how big their book of clients actually is.  They are not questions […]
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How “personal” should your personal service be?
by Tony Vidler        It is our livelihood in many respects, yet one of the vaguest phrases we use is “personal service”.  What is a personal service is not necessarily the same as a personalised service, and what is personal to one client may not be deemed a personal service to another.   So how […]
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Maybe You Should Stop Selling “Service”
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a wild thought for financial services providers: maybe you should stop selling service.  Sell your products by all means. Sell advice and the different outcomes it can create. Sell time…but maybe stop selling service.   Professionals sell time and knowledge primarily, but with many financial advisers finding they are unable […]
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creating a company culture
How to create the Advisory Firm culture that you WANT
by Tony Vidler        New regulatory expectations for financial advisers include defining and articulating their culture.  How does the advisory firm’ culture get defined requires some deep thinking, but then so too does the matter of ensuring that the culture you defined is actually reflected in your firms’ actions. How do you create the culture […]
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importance of frequent contact
The Importance of Frequent Client Contact
by Tony Vidler        Advisers underestimate the importance of frequent client contact  and “Frequent contact” is in itself a phrase that is interpreted differently amongst advisers.   So how often is “frequent”?  How often is often enough?  For a long while the mantra was “be in touch every 90 days”, but that was in a […]
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Is it just a bad day or is it a bad job?
by Tony Vidler        How can you tell if you are just having a bad day on the job, or whether it is time to move on from the job completely?   There’s no escaping the fact that even in great jobs that we love, there are days where things just don’t go the way […]
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Engagement Marketing is not asking “Will you marry me?”
by Tony Vidler        Many financial advisers have not yet grasped the fundamental of engagement marketing, and that is don’t race to ask someone if they want to buy something.  Seems a simple enough concept doesn’t it?  It is akin to asking a brand new dating partner “will you marry me?” when they haven’t yet decided […]
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