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How often is too often to send emails?
by Tony Vidler        “How often should I send emails?” is the perpetual question asked by advisers who are beginning to build an engagement marketing system or lifting their client communications and services standards.  There is not a magic number that applies to everyone I am sorry to say. The objective is to find that […]
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How much client contact is too much contact?
by Tony Vidler        Getting the frequency of newsletters or regular client communications right is a real challenge.  How much is too much, and runs the risk of you being a nuisance?  How much is too little, and runs the risk of you being forgotten? The right answer is “it depends”. It depends on your audience, […]
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The most preferred, and most effective, client communication tool?
by Tony Vidler        Engaging with clients and prospects is critical to getting the right business from the right people, and there is a surefire client communication winner (still): The humble electronic newsletter. Let’s begin by thinking about what you are trying to achieve with any client engagement method and you will probably come up […]
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How Often Should We Contact Clients?
by Tony Vidler        “How much is too much contact?”   “How often is too often?” What is the right volume to contact clients? Much of the standard industry thinking around these questions is in fact quite dated I believe.  For example, go back not that many years and good marketers providing a lot of […]
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Keep ideal prospects until they’re ready for just $2.50 per year…
by Tony Vidler        Good prospects take time to convert to clients, so one of the tricks of great businesses is to keep ideal prospects engaged until they are ready to become clients of their own accord. An incredibly powerful tool for finding and then converting ideal prospects still remains the humble newsletter.   You […]
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What is “Good” Content To Use In Your Marketing?
by Tony Vidler        With prospects taking longer than ever to convert into clients, “good” content has become king as that is what keeps them engaged as they move along their buying journey.  Notice I said “good” content…..not just any old content.   But what is “good”?  Content which is good is the content which […]
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importance of frequent contact
The Importance of Frequent Client Contact
by Tony Vidler        Advisers underestimate the importance of frequent client contact  and “Frequent contact” is in itself a phrase that is interpreted differently amongst advisers.   So how often is “frequent”?  How often is often enough?  For a long while the mantra was “be in touch every 90 days”, but that was in a […]
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