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get noticed by your prospect
7 EASY Ways To Use Social Media For Prospecting
by Tony Vidler        I remain amazed that there are still financial advisers who say they do not see the point of social media when it comes to their business. Most of those advisers also keep saying that they could do with more prospects and customers.  Is there any chance that these two concepts might […]
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What is the mix of content which is engaging?
by Tony Vidler        As a consumer yourself you know that there is a need to mix up the content if you want to maximise audience engagement, after all, you tune out pretty quickly if someone is posting or sharing the same sort of stuff repeatedly don’t you? Everyone does. Because it becomes boring. To […]
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valuable linkedin marketing
How to use your most valuable online real estate well!
by Tony Vidler  The most valuable piece of online “real estate” any professional has today is their LinkedIn Summary section.  It is searchable content, and there is LOADS of room to tell your story or compelling points of difference, or highlight your expertise….yet so many professionals barely use 50% of the space allowance, and even […]
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How to use LinkedIn Groups to build your audience
by Tony Vidler        LinkedIn Groups would have to be one of the easiest ways today for any professional to go about building an audience…or a community of like-minded folk.  And that is what we want our marketing to achieve if we want our business to grow, isn’t it?   It seems that what stops many […]
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How to share MultiMedia Content on LinkedIn
by Tony Vidler        Sharing great content on LinkedIn certainly helps in building a professional profile and to showcase your areas of expertise, and it is a very simple thing to do.   Most LinkedIn users who have done more than set up their basic profile have figured out how to share someone elses update […]
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An advisers engagement process might look something like this…
by Tony Vidler        It is a rarity for a new customer to walk in off the street and just decide to buy some insurance or an investment product or a bit of planning from you, right?   That probably hasn’t happened for 10 years (if ever!).   So how do they decide to buy […]
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