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Know and Use the Principles Of Influence Deliberately
by Tony Vidler        One of the most important pieces of work for professional advisers in the last 3 decades would have to be Robert Cialdini’s Principles Of Influence. Essentially he has distilled the lessons of human behaviour into a relatively small group of principles which most humans are influenced by.  There are exceptions of […]
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How to influence clients with “Social Proof”
by Tony Vidler        One of the primary functions of the professional adviser is to influence clients to make change.  Or sometimes, influence them not to change things.   Our role is to manage client behaviour to help generate the desired outcomes that clients want.  We must get them to act, or not act, in order […]
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How to Build Your Brand Influence
by Tony Vidler        Every Adviser has a brand, whether they realise it or not.  That brand influences prospects to engage you…or not.  You may as well manage it to get more positive outcomes then, right? We recognise the power and importance of the personal branding in athletes, celebrities and politicians, and yet, all too […]
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How much TIME do super-successful advisers spend on marketing?
by Tony Vidler        How much an adviser should spend on marketing is a perennial question with an expectation that there is a definitive $ or % answer.   There isn’t.  So the better question is how much time should an adviser spend on marketing.   We know that time is money.  We know that […]
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The Path To Becoming An Authority
by Tony Vidler        Becoming an authority is the thing that almost certainly guarantees you will continue to get enough business to have a decent livelihood, if not an outstandingly successful career.   It is one of the key principles of influence identified by Cialdini, and for many in professional services it is a career […]
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influencer soft skills
The Adviser as an Influencer
by Tony Vidler        The financial adviser is supposed to be an influencer…our role is to influence others to make better decisions than they would otherwise have made.   In order to become a more effective adviser the ongoing development of the skills that are required to deliver influential advice should be deliberately developed.  But […]
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