get prospects attention


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These 4 things make it easy for prospects to say YES
by Tony Vidler        We all want all of our prospects to say YES, but getting them to do so isn’t necessarily about having a clever line that they can’t say “no” to. Which do you think is more effective with todays educated, wary and sophisticated consumer? 1. The clever sales technique that has you […]
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Get other businesses to get you new business
by Tony Vidler        In the perpetual search for new ways to get new clients many professional service firms overlook a really obvious, and incredibly lucrative, way of getting new business. That is getting other businesses to send their new clients to you.  Unlike Center-Of-Influence (COI) marketing where an individual directs individual potential new client […]
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How to get your prospects attention…and keep it.
by Tony Vidler        Sad but true apparently: The average Goldfish has a greater attention span than the average human reader. That presents a bit of a challenge when it comes to us getting prospects’ attention and then holding it long enough to make our point and get them interested in engaging with us. If […]
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How To Fix A Prospecting Problem
by Tony Vidler        The “prospecting problem” is the most frequently requested area for help from financial advisers…it is the perennial problem.  There just never seems to be quite enough of them to meet the new client acquisition needs of the firm AND it is getting harder to get prospects attention and have them engage. […]
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Lead with the business you DON’T want to get the business you DO want
by Tony Vidler        We all want to get more business, but we really want to just get the right sort of business for ourselves or our firm naturally.   If you have figured out what sort of business it is you do want to get then you have (by default) figured out the areas of […]
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Use This If You Want Consumers Attention Quickly
by Tony Vidler        If you really want to reach out and connect with prospects and get consumers attention quickly then it makes sense to look at using the communications method that they overwhelmingly majority prefer: text messaging.   SMS. Text. Texting.  Call it what you will…study after study shows the effectiveness both in terms […]
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Getting A New Client Begins With 1 Thing….
by Tony Vidler        When I ask advisers what is the number 1 thing in getting a new client I nearly always get an answer linked to marketing…the new client needs to be found via one method or another.  I see the logic of that answer, but disagree with it.  A prospect is found via marketing […]
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8 Seconds to Get – or Lose – Your Prospect. Maybe less.
by Tony Vidler        You will get or lose your prospect – your potential future client – in just 8 seconds….well, actually it is a lot less than that.  The clock is ticking…and a lot faster than you realise.   In reality you have 3 seconds or less to get them to engage with you and […]
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2 Things To Do For Social Media Lead Generation
by Tony Vidler          When it comes to social media lead generation it would appear that the majority of professionals still have reservations about the effectiveness of it as a marketing strategy. Yet, everyone they know uses social to connect, research, engage and decide on future actions.  Somehow most think that all of these […]
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12 Prospect Barriers WE Must Address
by Tony Vidler        There are many barriers which can prevent a prospect from engaging in the professional financial advice process, and those prospect barriers are our problem to address.  WE have to try and eliminate or negate all of them.     The first step in understanding how to negate them is of course […]
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