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The times are a changin’…Business as usual is a dead end!
by Tony Vidler        The difference between any two professional practices filled with well qualified and well meaning people is usually that a different culture exists in each. All businesses develop a “way we do things here” over time…whether they meant to or not.  A culture evolves within the business…whether you wanted it to or […]
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Professional Credibility & the “Trust Me…I am experienced” line
by Tony Vidler        “Trust me…I’m an experienced professional…” How many times do we hear a professional claiming that a client should trust them and deal with them because they have X number of years experience?  Does this “years of experience” thing really translate into professional credibility?   Increasingly cynical consumers ask themselves “do you […]
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How to work out who to keep on your team
by Tony Vidler        One of the toughest areas of practice management is building your team and keeping the team “right for you”.  So it is best to begin with an unpalatable truth: It is inevitable that at some point you will get team selections wrong.  You will get hiring decisions wrong….and sometimes firing decisions […]
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4 Ways To Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines
by Tony Vidler        The headline does all the work of grabbing attention to begin with, and if you don’t grab attention then there is no chance of having a prospective client decide to engage with your marketing.   The logic is pretty simple really.  The buying journey for any consumer begins with someone getting […]
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How to get customers enthused when our products are boring
by Tony Vidler        How can we create or transfer enthusiasm to a customer when: Our products are as boring as the boring-est thing ever. The Value that customers receive from financial services products could be years and years and years away….if “physical value” actually ever turns up at all Our products are as boring as the […]
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How to go about creating the RIGHT Strategic Alliance
by Tony Vidler        A good strategic alliance or two can be the thing that makes success for a professional services firm.  It can be a complete game changer.   In fact it is so important to get right that the key to finding and forging the right strategic alliance is thinking strategically to begin […]
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Which CRM is right for you?
by Tony Vidler        I am losing track of how often I get asked “which CRM do you recommend?”  It is a huge decision for a professional service business, and an area where every solution offered seems to fall a little short in one aspect or another.   The problem is that for a financial […]
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Do You Practice Enough To Be Elite?
by Tony Vidler         Elite financial advisers do things that average advisers won’t do.  They practice stuff before going to market with it for instance.   The best in any field practice before trying to win out on the field.  In the advisory business that means practicing presentations of course…but it also means embracing roleplay to […]
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keep it simple
Great Advisers Stay Simple
by Tony Vidler        One of my favourite quotes of all time is by Einstein: “If you cannot explain it simply then you do not understand it well enough” and nowhere is this more true than in providing advice in complex areas. Great advisers stay simple when handling complex matters.   It is not easy […]
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creating customer convenience
The Professional Services Firm Model Of The Future Is Possibly A “Fast Food Alley”
by Tony Vidler        Ever noticed how the fast food stores tend to cluster together as some sort of “fast food alley”? Have you ever wondered why? There is a “convenience” element for the typical customer of course, however there is a more important reason – which might just be a useful lesson for professionals […]
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