financial adviser marketing


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give away for recommendation
Little Giveaways Can Generate Recomendations
by Tony Vidler        If you want to generate recommendations from clients and prospects it pays to understand how it is a different process from getting referrals, and if referrals are “the gold medal” then recommendations are the “silver”.  Not the ultimate perhaps, but well worth having, and arguable a little easier to get.   […]
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what is value
What IS value to your prospect?
by Tony Vidler        It may seem an obvious question; but do you know what “value” IS to your prospective clients?   Value can be determined by any individual in any number of ways of course, and what is valuable to one person is not necessarily so to another. Or what is valuable at one […]
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cenrte of influence prospecting
Which prospecting method delivers the best results?
by Tony Vidler        The prospecting method that keeps on delivering the most opportunities is Referrals.   A distant second in the source of new clients for advice firms is Centre of Influence referrals.   Research by the Financial Planning Association showed that on average in the previous year some 34% of new clients came from […]
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What is the mix of content which is engaging?
by Tony Vidler        As a consumer yourself you know that there is a need to mix up the content if you want to maximise audience engagement, after all, you tune out pretty quickly if someone is posting or sharing the same sort of stuff repeatedly don’t you? Everyone does. Because it becomes boring. To […]
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The Top 20 Adviser Marketing Kitbag Essentials
by Tony Vidler        It would be fair to say that adviser marketing is not a specialty subject for most advisers…they are usually great technicians and deliverers of financial advice and coaching, and they are usually great at selling and relationship management at an individual level.  Not so great at getting the marketing going though…. […]
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effective marketing
The Secret To Creating Effective Marketing Messages
by Tony Vidler        For any marketing message to be effective there are a number of things that one has to get right – but there is a bit of a formula!   The first “secret” in effective marketing messages is that they are written for an individual reader.  We are trying to create the sense of […]
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What is the missing ingredient in your marketing campaign?
by Tony Vidler        There are some great and clever marketing campaigns put together by professional services firms and their marketing advisers, and they often get “good” results.  Typically one thing stops them from getting great results:   The follow through.   Just like a great golf swing, what happens in the first half is only…well…”half […]
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Marketing places where Advisers just HAVE to be
by Tony Vidler        Even if Financial Advisers don’t feel the need to do marketing I would suggest that there are still some marketing places to be for advisers who feel they have enough clients.   Even when prospecting for new clients is not a particular issue, professional credibility is.  Suppliers, potential referrers, Centres Of Influence…they […]
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An advisers engagement process might look something like this…
by Tony Vidler        It is a rarity for a new customer to walk in off the street and just decide to buy some insurance or an investment product or a bit of planning from you, right?   That probably hasn’t happened for 10 years (if ever!).   So how do they decide to buy […]
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