express your value


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Demonstrating Value To Make Prospects Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Successful advisers today make sure they are demonstrating value to prospects...before the prospects have agreed to engage and become clients. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains […]
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Here is how to explain, and show, your value to a client in 30 seconds
by Tony Vidler        I am a massive fan of using simple diagrams to explain technical ideas, but they are also a fabulous way of articulating concepts that people struggle to grasp. One of my favourites is a very simple picture that anyone can scribble on a scrap of paper in 30 seconds, which is […]
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Differentiate By Building A Strong Promise
by Tony Vidler        There are notable differences between high growth professional firms and others when it comes to differentiating themselves.  How they choose to express their value and stand out is quite different to the mainstream.   Undoubtedly the average or low growth firms inability to express what their difference is in relation to […]
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Where your Value Proposition REALLY fits in
by Tony Vidler        A well crafted and well articulated Value Proposition is the key component in any good marketing strategy.  Even though it is the most important part of the entire marketing message, it is not the first thing however… To craft a great marketing message for your business there are three essentials and […]
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The 9 Essentials Of Your Value Proposition…in 9 Seconds
by Tony Vidler        There are 9 things you have to nail in only about 9 seconds if you want your value proposition to be truly effective. Sound impossible? It’s tough to craft a great value proposition that hits all 9 things….but it is definitely not impossible.  In this quick video we talk about what […]
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When clients say “too expensive” there is a value gap
by Tony Vidler        If there is one objection which continually gets professionals in a tangle it is the client who says “it’s too expensive”.  When a client says “too expensive” YOU you haven’t done your job…there is a gap between the value being delivered and value being perceived by the client.  A value gap […]
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A surefire way to get a Prospect to choose You!
by Tony Vidler        You are ALWAYS competing to have the next prospective client choose you.  In fact, even with existing clients who are still deciding on whether to follow the next piece of advise, there is a decision being made about whether to choose to follow it…or choose “you” as it were.  We are […]
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How to engage clients in a review of financial advice
Your Philosophy MIGHT Be Your Real Point of Difference
by Tony Vidler        Advisers often struggle to articulate their point of difference, yet they usually can easily express well thought out beliefs and philosophies about money and planning.   So most advisers think carefully about such things and build up a philosophy based upon their formal learning and real world experience that shapes their advice […]
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How To Get Clients Choosing You
by Tony Vidler        You need to get clients choosing you over the other adviser or you’re dead in the water, right?  Often you don’t even know that they were comparing advisers until it is too late and the choice has been made.  That happens to all of us in our careers.  Once that choice […]
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Why should they choose you?
by Tony Vidler        If you want ideal prospects to choose you over any number of other highly qualified professional advisers then you must have the ability to succinctly articulate what makes working with you special.  Why should they choose you? This is often referred to as having a “Unique Selling Proposition”, or USP.  While the […]
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