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Be like the Private Banker in order to become invaluable
by Tony Vidler        To become invaluable, emulate “the Private Bankers” when it comes to combatting the multiple pressure points of rising consumer expectations, technology-driven and cost-focussed solutions, and the trend for “self management” in all things by clients. We are told repeatedly that it is not that far away from AI being able to emulate […]
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8 Seconds to Get – or Lose – Your Prospect. Maybe less.
by Tony Vidler        You will get or lose your prospect – your potential future client – in just 8 seconds….well, actually it is a lot less than that.  The clock is ticking…and a lot faster than you realise.   In reality you have 3 seconds or less to get them to engage with you and […]
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You Deliver Value, So Why Not Promise Value Up-Front?
by Tony Vidler        Why not promise value up-front if you know you can deliver that? It sems an obvious question to ask, yet I find myself continually asking it of financial advisers. Nearly every professional gives an initial “no obligation meeting” to prospective clients, and nearly everyone delivers value to those prospects during that initial […]
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What Problems Do You Solve?
by Tony Vidler        In the struggle for professionals to define a value proposition asking “What problems do we solve?”  is probably the best place to begin. It is a simple question for sure, but it cuts to the chase.  It helps us zero in on what it is we actually achieve for clients.  We can […]
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WHERE do you add value?
by Tony Vidler        In the continual search for differentiation strategies and creating a strong sense of “value received” by clients one of the ways to think about how to stand out is to consider where you choose to try and add value in the prospects buying path.   There are a number of fairly […]
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How To “Up-Sell” Your Advisory Services
by Tony Vidler        There are many advisory services which most professionals can provide to clients and a distinct area of opportunity is to look at combining those services where it makes sense to do so, and up-sell a higher value package of service to clients. Up-selling is not the same as cross-selling however, and […]
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When – and how – To Discount Your Fees
by Tony Vidler        As a general rule I don’t recommend that a professional discount fees as it tends to undermine their entire value proposition whilst also creating a mindset for the client that the adviser is a price-taker rather than the price-setter.   Discounting fees usually moves a professional from being an expert with […]
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Fighting Off The “Free” Advice Competitor
by Tony Vidler        “Free” advice is never actually “free”, is it?   None of us are silly – including the people we are talking to as prospective clients.  Everyone knows advice isn’t free…it is at someone’s expense, and someone is hoping to get a payday from delivering the “free stuff” at some point. Someone […]
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Make your professional designations mean something to clients
by Tony Vidler        Why aren’t more financial advisers using their professional designations and qualifications better? There is no doubt that there has been an increasing proportion of advisers pursuing professional designations, and an increasing number of niche choices in doing so, and there are more advisers with more acronyms than ever before.   Do […]
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Here is how to work out WHERE to compete
by Tony Vidler        A cornerstone of great strategy is understanding where to compete in the market…or rather, which area of expertise or service offering to lead with in the marketing efforts.   Once the target market clients have been worked out (so we know who we want to appeal to) we have to decide […]
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