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“Always Be Coaching”, NOT “Always Be Closing”
by Tony Vidler        Coaching clients is a concept which is gaining traction with financial advisers, and for many this is a new line of thinking.  After all, they were taught years ago that “you should always be closing”, right?  No matter what else you are doing with prospective customers, and no matter what they […]
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The 3 Keys To Attracting Your Successors – and attract the talent
by Tony Vidler        It is one thing to atract talent to your firm, it is quite another to attract successors with the right talent though.  Many financial advisory firms see the need to create leverage and handle their own succession issues through recruiting new advisory talent but struggle to do it successfully.   The main […]
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One tactic to make people remember your message…in just another moment…
by Tony Vidler        Ever wondered why infomercials or news broadcasts come up with lines like this: “XYZ Corporation closed its doors on customers today leaving 10,000 without the products they had paid for already…more on that shortly.” The “more on that shortly” part creates intrigue of course….but the reason why TV stations do this is […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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The Value of GETTING Good Advice
by Tony Vidler        If you believe in the value of advice, then it makes sense to believe in the value of getting good advice for yourself – or rather, for your business. Nearly every small business can benefit from having a robust governance structure providing strategic input (and insight), additional skills, accountability and excellent […]
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Maybe the client IS the problem
by Tony Vidler        What you think is the problem is not always actually the problem.  Sometimes the person is the problem. Sometimes, maybe, the client is the problem rather than you. Before talking about clients though allow me to use a non-client example.  Picture the scene: a partner in a practice is telling me about […]
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Financial Advisers Should Be Coaching
by Tony Vidler        Coaching is about changing behaviour in order to change results. Advising is telling people what, and perhaps how, something should be done.  Advising is basically “having the answer” and telling someone what it is in its most simple form.  Coaching is a blend of telling and teaching, monitoring and managing, and, […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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How to do client video testimonials the right way!
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are good for business – but we all know that, right? Video testimonials are even better for business – and not everyone has got THAT yet. Being able to see the body language, and hear the inflections in a clients voice as they talk about their positive experience, are far […]
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How To Coach Your People To Greater Success
by Tony Vidler        One of the best ways to improve results for your firm is to coach your people to greater levels of professional and personal success, rather than merely “managing” them.   There is a huge difference between coaching and managing…and while managing has its place, it is actually only one aspect of […]
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