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How Effective is Advertising For Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead generation advertising is one of those things that every firm considers and is willing to do…but only if they are confident it will work.  And every firm has seen too much of it that doesn’t work to have confidence in spending big money on lead generation advertising. Yet, there is […]
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8 Seconds to Get – or Lose – Your Prospect. Maybe less.
by Tony Vidler        You will get or lose your prospect – your potential future client – in just 8 seconds….well, actually it is a lot less than that.  The clock is ticking…and a lot faster than you realise.   In reality you have 3 seconds or less to get them to engage with you and […]
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Maybe Financial Advisers Could Be Selling Coffee?
by Tony Vidler        Do you remember when petrol stations competed on client service? Fundamentally they were all selling the same basic commodity, at about the same price, to anyone who drove up.  That included the regulars who lived in the area and who had high lifetime value and the out-of-towners cruising through who just needed […]
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Unbundling Planning To Get More Client Engagement
by Tony Vidler        Unbundling planning creates higher numbers of prospects and clients engaging in full financial planning, and can lead to higher revenue per client as well.  More clients engaging in more comprehensive advice and creating higher lifetime value per client.  That has to be worth thinking about doesn’t it?   When we try […]
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5 Big Reasons Why Marketing Campaigns Fail
by Tony Vidler        We learn as we go in professional services, and that is especially true when it comes to analysing why marketing campaigns “fail”. To be fair, few of us are trained in marketing at all so we do have to figure it out as we go along, and there is a lot of […]
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The 5 Steps To An Effective Advertising Campaign
by Tony Vidler          To create an effective advertising campaign – one that gets you the results you wanted to begin with – there are 5 steps.  Many professional services firms miss at least a couple of them, and inevitably are disappointed with the results of their advertising efforts.   That is not surprising […]
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Create Effective Advertising By Starting With These 2 Things
by Tony Vidler        At some point every adviser struggles to create effective advertising. It’s not our coe skill of course, but typically the “struggle” is because 2 really big things are overlooked…   Why are you doing it in the first place? Who are you doing it to attract?   All the hard work […]
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advertising for lead generation
Is Advertising For Lead Generation Dead?
by Tony Vidler        I’ve been running a terribly unscientific survey to find out if advertising for lead generation is dead for todays financial advisers.  Basically the deeply analytical process has consisted of me asking advisers continually for the last couple of years whether they are doing any advertising, and what results in the way […]
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Why advertising doesn’t work sometimes
by Tony Vidler        At some point most professionals consider using advertising as a means of lead generation, and usually it doesn’t work quite as well as they hoped. There are a few things to get right when it comes to creating advertising which generates the results you hoped for but the most obvious reason […]
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Should you be marketing to your existing clients?
by Tony Vidler        What do you want most from your marketing: 1.  More customers, or, 2.  More revenue?   Most marketing efforts are aimed at trying to convince strangers to bring their business to you.  New clients are good of course, and are in fact vital for the long term success of a business.   […]
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