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THE Business Opportunity for Advisers
by Tony Vidler        Businesses are the business opportunity that most advisers just seem to walk past.  Most just don’t seem to do business with businesses…and that is a massive opportunity area. The typical small business is usually doing one of two things: growing, or going…. …and either is a fabulous opportunity for advisers. Regardless […]
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What do Life Insurance customers want?
by Tony Vidler        One of the questions that continually vexes professionals is “what do customers want?“ In the life insurance area of financial services the answer is even tougher to find than usual, because insurance for virtually all consumers is an absolute grudge purchase.  When we think about it logically every person who buys […]
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sales skills for financial advice
The missing ingredient in professional development: SKILLS
by Tony Vidler        We are awash with recommendations on how to “improve the advice business” and enhance professional developement.  Regulators, politicians, consumer groups, product manufacturers…competing business models that look to bypass advice entirely….all of them are making a lot of noise about how advice delivery can be improved and where professionals involved in the […]
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Professional Credibility & the “Trust Me…I am experienced” line
by Tony Vidler        “Trust me…I’m an experienced professional…” How many times do we hear a professional claiming that a client should trust them and deal with them because they have X number of years experience?  Does this “years of experience” thing really translate into professional credibility?   Increasingly cynical consumers ask themselves “do you […]
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Written Advice: Should it be Clear? or Concise? Or Effective?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to delivering our written advice to clients there is a tendency to be guided by the words used by the regulators, or law, in how that advice is framed or written. The written advice, be it financial plans or Statements Of Advice being delivered to clients, are however […]
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Why your FREE service is a barrier to getting the right business
by Tony Vidler        Most professionals at some point offer complimentary initial meetings or consultations with clients as a “free service”.   It simply isn’t true, and that in itself prevents the right sort of clients coming your way. The fundamental reason why this just doesn’t cut it with consumers is because they don’t believe […]
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How financial advisors can be relevant to clients
Working out how to be relevant to your clients
by Tony Vidler        Two of the key things that all professionals struggle with is firstly to be relevant, and then remaining relevant.   Amongst the most common questions that arise when marketing or client servicing is discussed for professional service firms is: “what do I say or write?“   You know what you know…and […]
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Some customers you don’t want
by Tony Vidler        Some customers you just don’t want, because not all customers are good customers for us.  Even some of those who look like they commercially viable customers we just don’t want.    There are some who can use our help..want our help…but that doesn’t mean they are good clients for us.  Most […]
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If It Is Not Simple, You Are Not Working Hard Enough
by Tony Vidler        It takes a lot of work to make complex advice simple and succinct, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the creation of  a financial plan or  Statements of Advice. Those 40 page plans, or worse those 80 page plans and pieces of written advice, are barriers to consumer engagement […]
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A financial advisers best weapon: The Meeting Agenda
by Tony Vidler        One of the most powerful weapons in an advisers armory is the Client Meeting Agenda. Yet, so few use them regularly…. The client meeting agenda sets up the entire professional relationship – not just the next hour or so that you happen to be with a client. In addition; It minimises […]
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