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5 easy ideas to get a BIG Practice performance difference
by Tony Vidler        Into a new financial year and many advisers are wondering how to make a big practice performance difference without incurring significant extra costs or making dramatic changes after such a tumultuous last year or so.  The good news is that it is amazing how some really simple and relatively small things […]
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What Value Is A Practice?
by Tony Vidler        Given some of the trends in financial services there must be serious questions about how to accurately value a practice of a financial adviser.   The short answer to what is an accurate value of any practice will of course always be “whatever a buyer is willing to pay, and which you […]
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valuing advice
Properly Valuing Financial Advice
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to valuing your advice to clients what is a “fair” rate or price?  $100 per hour seems pretty cheap for any professional – plumbers cost more than that, right? But what about $1,000 per hour? That’s not actually a bad rate if someone can create $5,000 of value […]
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If you’re converting only 1 in 10 prospects you have a problem
by Tony Vidler        There was a time when converting 10% of your prospects was the path to career success as a financial adviser.  Hard to believe perhaps, but true.  Everyone starting in a sales role was told to just “see the people, see the people, see the people!”? The expectation was that our fame and fortune […]
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what is value
What IS value to your prospect?
by Tony Vidler        It may seem an obvious question; but do you know what “value” IS to your prospective clients?   Value can be determined by any individual in any number of ways of course, and what is valuable to one person is not necessarily so to another. Or what is valuable at one […]
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financial advice value
An easy way to work out how to express your advice value
by Tony Vidler        If you are struggling to express the value of your advice for your target market there is a way to figure it out that doesn’t require you agonising over how to come up with a clever marketing message. “Your value” could be expressed as what benefits you can deliver for them. […]
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Cost is not just Price: Put Adviser fees into perspective
by Tony Vidler        Adviser fees are a cost for sure, and often a stumbling block for many professionals with their clients is this “cost discussion”.  It is a stumbling block because more often than not the entire conversation revolves around just one of the cost components rather than the actual fee rate and the value […]
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The 10 Things To Get Right For COI’s To Start (and Keep) Referring
by Tony Vidler        A great Centre-of-Influence keeps referring…they are not really a COI unless they keep referring.  That relatively reliable constant stream of introduction to target market prospects can build an advisory business better than any other form of marketing – especially if you have a few of them.  So identifying a potentially great […]
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What Financial Advisers Are Not Good At
by Tony Vidler        There is something that financial advisers are proving to be not good at doing: That is “Being There”. In this country Statistics NZ compile data from the census every few years and there is a standout statistic that should have financial advisers getting much busier: 7 out of 10 adult consumers […]
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You are probably closer to being “An Authority” than you realise.
by Tony Vidler        IF you have bought into the key concept of providing good quality content, or information, to prospects in order to engage them until they are ready to use your services, the inevitable question becomes: “what do I provide in the way of content?”   It seems a fair question too. Very […]
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