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What’s The Plan To Thrive Amidst All This Change?
by Tony Vidler        Is there a cunning plan for your practice to thrive amidst the changes coming at the financial advice sector from all directions? What is the plan then? What is the strategy? Those 2 questions might look like the same question, but they are not quite.  The cunning idea, or the strategy, is […]
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The Ultimate Personal Brand Position: Own A Word
by Tony Vidler        The ultimate goal in building a strong personal brand is to own a word in your target markets mind.  It may be own a phrase rather than own “a word” of course, but the point is you want to be KNOWN for something.  You want to create a position where your target […]
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Making LinkedIn Matter In Your Marketing
by Tony Vidler        Most professionals have a LinkedIn profile now, but are they making LinkedIn matter when it comes to their marketing? Often they are not effectively utilising the 2 key areas that are searched by Google, being the title section and the summary.  That is incredibly valuable online real estate….provided for free…so let’s have […]
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Professional Practice Evolution: What Separates Modern Professionals From The Past?
by Tony Vidler        There are lessons to be learned from the evolution of the modern professional practice for those who are not there yet.  There is also no doubt that a number of financial advisers and practices are still evolving, or yet to begin the journey if they are to avoid being rendered redundant. When […]
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How clients choose when Advisers all seem the same
by Tony Vidler        How do clients choose which adviser to use when to outsiders looking at the profession as a whole, everyone looks about the same? Sure there are individual differences in the human beings, with the full range of beautiful people, and those who are beautiful only to their mothers perhaps, and all […]
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How One Successful Financial Planner Gets New Business (part 2)
by Tony Vidler         Professionals are always interested in what other professionals are doing that leads to new business and becoming more successful.  The constant question is: “What are others doing that are successful for them?”   In a previous post one leading financial planner shared where he gets his new business from, and the […]
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The Madness of Creating Videos Without a Master Plan
by Tony Vidler        A little while ago I participated in a survey on marketing by financial advisers internationally.  The results were intriguing in that clearly there is widespread recognition by advisers of the importance and effectiveness of creating videos as a communication and marketing medium, however there is a disconnect too as the majority […]
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Here is how to explain, and show, your value to a client in 10 seconds
by Tony Vidler        I am a massive fan of drawing little diagrams to explain technical ideas, but they are also a fabulous way of articulating the more nebulous concepts that people struggle to grasp.   One of my favourites is a very simple picture that anyone can scribble on a cocktail napkin in 10 […]
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Different communications are methods needed for different clients
by Tony Vidler         Different people learn and comprehend in different ways, and different sorts of clients need different sorts of communications methods and styles if messaging is to be truly effective.   One size really does not fit all.   A Little while ago LIMRA did some research on preferred methods of communications by […]
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Giving is good for business, so why not do it all year?
by Tony Vidler        It’s a distant memory I’m sure, but one of the things that everyone loves about the Christmas holiday season is it becomes noticeable that many folk relax just a little bit more….give others a bit more time and leeway…become just a little more charitable….and of course there are the client gifts.  […]
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