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Who Does That Adviser Work For?
by Tony Vidler        Which financial adviser is going to be right: the one who charges a fee; the one who is “free”; or; the one charging a commission?  Or is it the one who does all of these?     Well I suggest that it depends on what you are hoping for and what you […]
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Are you a GOOD Adviser?
by Tony Vidler        Another week and another bad adviser horror story in the local press…yet, another week and thousands more consumers work with their good adviser privately and attract no headlines. They just make progress quietly towards their savings or investment goals, or protecting their families, or building financial safety nets, and so it goes […]
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What IS good content for sharing and engaging prospects?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating GOOD content that is engaging prospects and your target audience there are a few things to get right, but most of the things you need to get right are not really about what you write or produce. So what makes really good content is not just […]
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Staying The Course: The Importance Of Purpose
by Tony Vidler        Everyone is busy being busy, but what is the point of it all? What is the purpose that drives all the business building activity? Businesses that experience superb growth typically have an owner, or owners, who have clarity of purpose and that purpose sits at the heart of everything they do. […]
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How to build a good Advisory Practice client service system
by Tony Vidler        Good service is good business. For financial advisers, service really IS the business, because that is how you build capital value.  Great clients who stay with the firm when ownership changes is your retirement plan isn’t it? How do you build a good system of service though that ensures you are […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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Why Lawyers sell more than Financial Planners
by Tony Vidler        Why is it that everyone tells jokes about lawyers and begrudges their work, yet lawyers tend to do pretty well in business?   How is it that lawyers who tend to be pretty awful at marketing their services get so much business?   Why is it that so many financial advisers […]
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Why Professionals struggle to get referrals consistently
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals consistently is how many great advice businesses achieve systematic growth.  “Consistently” is the key word that should be linked to “growth” here…and some research a little while ago in Australia highlighted why so many firms struggle with this.   It is because they are not systematic in their approach […]
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5 ways to make smarter use of your CRM system
by Tony Vidler        In days gone by Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems were used as little more than simple marketing machines. They contained enough information to know who your clients were and how to contact them, and perhaps even had some prospects in there, and be able to produce a mail merge to run […]
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How to explain your Process and Fee to clients
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers have difficulty explaining their fee basis, and the client advice process, in a clear and logical way. It becomes a barrier to engaging clients, and undermines our professional image, when we fumble and stumble on a fairly straightforward part of being in business. As with most things in the […]
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