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How to do client video testimonials the right way!
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are good for business – but we all know that, right? Video testimonials are even better for business – and not everyone has got THAT yet. Being able to see the body language, and hear the inflections in a clients voice as they talk about their positive experience, are far […]
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Why You Need PLENTY Of Positive Consumer Reviews
by Tony Vidler        Experience reviews…consumer reviews…I blame TripAdviser for it; but maybe it wasn’t them…Whatever, everyone out there now expects to be able to give a review of any business, and read others reviews of that business.  In fact they can’t wait to provide their opinion of your business. It has become the norm. […]
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Make Your Testimonials Resonate With Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are great marketing, but they are losing their effectiveness a little if you still do them conventionally.  All is not lost with testimonials however, as one small change CAN make them resonate with your target audience a little better.   Consumers are not silly and they know we are never […]
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Create Top Of Mind Awareness With Your Own Clients First
by Tony Vidler          Who do most people turn to first for financial advice? Whoever is “top of mind”…and who is that usually?   Their family.   Research in multiple countries and jurisdictions repeatedly shows that the number one source of advice for consumers who do not currently take financial advice from a professional […]
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Make your client testimonials REALLY stand out!
by Tony Vidler        Yeah, yeah, yeah….Client testimonials are good. We should all collect them. We should all display them on our website and stuff….   …but then line after line of typed text just looks the same as everyone else’s, and they lose impact don’t they?  Especially when potential clients know that we aren’t […]
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