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Why Advisers Need To Invest In Their Businesses. Now.
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers really need to invest more into their practices. Now.  More money, more thinking, more strategy….more leverage.  Even those who have been investing probably need to invest more. For decades financial advisers have been able to to operate “lifestyle” businesses.  It has enabled them to largely choose when they will […]
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The 3 Main Considerations In Practice Development
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to practice development the owner must consider 3 general areas which drive the growth and value of the business, and each of those has some sub-sections. The 3 areas to consider are: Creating the physical Capacity to ‘grow’ volume Developing Capabilities of the professionals within the firm Creating and […]
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Strategic vision for financial advisor
Are you just swimming in circles, or do you have a strategy?
by Tony Vidler        To ensure business success you must have a strategy.  But where do you begin with designing a business strategy?   It isn’t quite as hard as you may think….   First, you need to decide what you want to be known for, which then makes it relatively easy to work out […]
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A Value Creation Model For Advisory Firms
by Tony Vidler        Challenging times test whether we are truly delivering value, and whether we have a good value creation model for the advisory firm.  Is the practice focussed upon the areas where it can improve in its value delivery to clients…does it even know which areas they are?  Where do we need to […]
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Some Advisory Firm’s Are “Going Out Of Business” Without Even Realising It
by Tony Vidler        I have a strong sense that a lot of advisory firms are “going out of business” at the moment and don’t even realise it.   For a very long time markets were going well, and commission and fee rates were at the high end of the scale, and there were plenty […]
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How will this year be better?
by Tony Vidler        Just one question should be dominating practitioners minds at this stage of the year:   How will this year be better? HOW is the critical word here. Advisers are usually great at setting goals and targets.  They are great at analysing and doing the numbers that tell them what activity at […]
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Focus On 3 Things To Make Next Year The Best Production Year Ever
by Tony Vidler        There are so many things you COULD plan to work on to improve next year, but what REALLY matters? Maybe having the best production year ever…that would be helpful.   It is easy to get caught up in making lots and lots of plans and goals and arranging to be incredibly […]
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Some customers you don’t want
by Tony Vidler        Some customers you just don’t want, because not all customers are good customers for us.  Even some of those who look like they commercially viable customers we just don’t want.    There are some who can use our help..want our help…but that doesn’t mean they are good clients for us.  Most […]
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The Strategic Evolution Of Advice Firms
by Tony Vidler        The evolution of advice firms into different service and revenue models is happening already of course, but the majority of financial advisory firms appear to still be trying to figure out what the next evolutionary step might be. There’s a classic cartoon that shows the way forward for those advice firms when […]
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Do you actually have a Strategy?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every financial services firm says they have a strategy.  Which is remarkable really, as creating a competitive strategy is actually difficult usually. Especially if you don’t know what “strategy” is to begin with.     Many practices have a plan, and that plan is usually full of tactical decisions and thinking.  […]
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