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You need to get selling
by Tony Vidler   Advisers: Good advice process is not enough. Being technically competent is not enough. You have to get selling. I know that “Sell” is seen as a bit of a dirty word these days, but we cannot back away from the need for it. You have to sell if you are going to […]
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I sell…You sell…We ALL sell. Or should do…
by Tony Vidler        I am a professional.  I am a salesman. These two things are not contradictory.  We all sell stuff.  It seems like I’m selling my time these days…sometimes a product….sometimes it is just selling concepts and possibilities.  Mostly it is selling behavioural change & fixing other peoples’ problems though. But I sell.  […]
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Financial advisor sales activity
Slow down and get better results
by Tony Vidler        To get better results one usually has to change something, and sometimes it strangely enough better results can be achieved from doing something which seems counter-intuitive:  Slowing Down.   Anyone who has played a lot of sport knows that when things get disjointed and are not quite working seamlessly, the trick is […]
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How to get Clients to agree to the right cover level
by Tony Vidler        It can be challenging getting clients to agree to what we know is the right cover level for their insurance needs.  Whatever numbers we come up with analytically and logically are greeted with disbelief more often than not.   Considering that most clients see most insurance most of the time as […]
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How To Get Your Voicemail Message Responded To
by Tony Vidler        Voicemail messages which do not get responded to is without doubt the bane of most professionals working lives…frustrating, time consuming, inefficient….voicemail has become the “first line of defence” for prospects and clients alike.  Their number 1 method of avoiding you.   Too many minutes & hours are lost constantly leaving messages […]
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Creating Happy Clients Is Not Enough
by Tony Vidler        Creating and keeping happy clients IS essential for the success of a professional practice.  There is no question about that.  But is it enough to help a practice grow at a greater than industry average pace?   I don’t believe so.   Being a great practitioner and running an efficient & […]
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How To “Up-Sell” Your Advisory Services
by Tony Vidler        There are many advisory services which most professionals can provide to clients and a distinct area of opportunity is to look at combining those services where it makes sense to do so, and up-sell a higher value package of service to clients. Up-selling is not the same as cross-selling however, and […]
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Maybe You Should Stop Selling “Service”
by Tony Vidler        Here’s a wild thought for financial services providers: maybe you should stop selling service.  Sell your products by all means. Sell advice and the different outcomes it can create. Sell time…but maybe stop selling service.   Professionals sell time and knowledge primarily, but with many financial advisers finding they are unable […]
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The Number 1 Negotiating “Skill” That Advisers Need
by Tony Vidler        Every adviser needs to use negotiating skill every day…if not every single meeting in every day. We are constantly negotiating with all stakeholders of course but it is the constant negotiating with clients, or on behalf of clients, that often becomes a source of stress and angst for all parties, with […]
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telephone track sttyle and structure
How to get the listener’s interest on the phone
by Tony Vidler        Generating the listener’s interest in your message is the single most critical element in an effective telephone track, and like each part of a well organised track there structure and technique in how to achieve it.   As I have stressed throughout this mini-series, there is structure and methodology in building […]
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