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For Client Presentations Going Low-Tech Works
by Tony Vidler        As client presentations become more compliance-focused, lengthy, and technical in nature there is an corresponding increase in client dissatisfaction with financial advice.  Coincidence?  I think not. There has been a trend for years for financial advice, particularly comprehensive financial plans, when presented to clients to be “too clever” with clients not necessarily understanding […]
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Who Does That Adviser Work For?
by Tony Vidler        Which financial adviser is going to be right: the one who charges a fee; the one who is “free”; or; the one charging a commission?  Or is it the one who does all of these?     Well I suggest that it depends on what you are hoping for and what you […]
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Are you a GOOD Adviser?
by Tony Vidler        Another week and another bad adviser horror story in the local press…yet, another week and thousands more consumers work with their good adviser privately and attract no headlines. They just make progress quietly towards their savings or investment goals, or protecting their families, or building financial safety nets, and so it goes […]
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Do You Practice Enough To Be Elite?
by Tony Vidler         Elite financial advisers do things that average advisers won’t do.  They practice stuff before going to market with it for instance.   The best in any field practice before trying to win out on the field.  In the advisory business that means practicing presentations of course…but it also means embracing roleplay to […]
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financial advisory prospecting
Is that Prospect really a Prospective Client YET?
by Tony Vidler        Oddly, many advisers do not quite get what a prospect is. They often think it is a name with a phone number.  But is that enough for a prospect to really be a “prospective client”?   Knowing their name and how to contact them?   Somewhere on the path to professionalism some of […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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The cost of convenience in insurance: Underwrite at proposal time, or claim time?
by Tony Vidler        Convenience in insurance can come at a steep cost: When does your client want to have the drama with their insurance company? At underwriting time, or at claim time? The cover is going to get underwritten at some point, it really is just a matter of when. This is a confusing facet […]
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trial closing
Lost Sales Skills? Trial Closing Techniques Are Still Very Useful
by Tony Vidler        Trial closing techniques from the world of sales are still very useful for modern professionals wanting to figure out whether their prospective client is getting onboard with the advice or not.   Nobody likes to be “closed” by a sales person, and we sure don’t want prospects to feel like we […]
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The 5 Essential Soft Skills For Professional Advisers
by Tony Vidler        Technical knowledge will only take you so far, and sometimes (like when the world is in lockdown and there are no rational markets) they won’t tyake you anywhere at all. There are times when what you know just doesn’t matter.  Knowing how to deal with people is all that matters sometimes.  They […]
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Prospecting: Reconnect to Create New Opportunities
by Tony Vidler        A simple prospecting idea which usually pays off is simply re-connecting with those who you have spent time with, but did not do any business with.  I am talking about “prospects” from 6 months ago…or 12 months ago.   There are always people we are seeing who are potentially great customers, but […]
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