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Getting A New Client Begins With 1 Thing….
by Tony Vidler        When I ask advisers what is the number 1 thing in getting a new client I nearly always get an answer linked to marketing…the new client needs to be found via one method or another.  I see the logic of that answer, but disagree with it.  A prospect is found via marketing […]
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10 Top Tips for Trade Show Prospecting
by Tony Vidler        Trade show prospecting will be making a comeback, and these large “expo’s” are potentially fabulous sources of qualified prospects if you are clear about who your target market is.  They can be a highly effective element in the firms marketing plan.   A trade show focussed on “Big Boys Toys” where […]
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7 Warning Signs That The Prospect Is Wrong For You
by Tony Vidler        No matter how hard you try to get it right, sometimes the prospect is wrong for you.  You are wasting your time and would be best to just cut your losses and move on quickly.  They are not a right fit for you, or you are not a right fit for […]
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Does Face-to-Face Time Fuel Referrals Really?
by Tony Vidler        Virtual meetings are efficient, but if there is one thing that can help any professional fuel referrals it is face-to-face time with clients and influencers.   Actual getting-together-with those other humans more often tends to lead to better or deeper relationships, and more opportunities to be positioned for referrals and recommendations. […]
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12 Prospect Barriers WE Must Address
by Tony Vidler        There are many barriers which can prevent a prospect from engaging in the professional financial advice process, and those prospect barriers are our problem to address.  WE have to try and eliminate or negate all of them.     The first step in understanding how to negate them is of course […]
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The Shortcut To Creating Trust
by Tony Vidler        Simply creating trust with a prospective client is the initial hurdle to having them engage in the advice process.  To be fair the required level of trust initially is relatively low – can they trust you not to waste their time…can they trust that you really know what you are doing….can […]
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The Formula For Positioning Yourself For Ideal Clients
by Tony Vidler        “Poor positioning of yourself and what you can achieve for your ideal clients is the number 1 reason for ideal business opportunities not coming to you….”   Many professionals experience the frustration of good clients doing good business elsewhere, or ideal prospective clients not being referred and ultimately doing their business […]
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Make Your Testimonials Resonate With Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Testimonials are great marketing, but they are losing their effectiveness a little if you still do them conventionally.  All is not lost with testimonials however, as one small change CAN make them resonate with your target audience a little better.   Consumers are not silly and they know we are never […]
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The 5 Steps To An Effective Advertising Campaign
by Tony Vidler          To create an effective advertising campaign – one that gets you the results you wanted to begin with – there are 5 steps.  Many professional services firms miss at least a couple of them, and inevitably are disappointed with the results of their advertising efforts.   That is not surprising […]
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Which content works best for Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead Generation is the primary goal of content (or engagement) marketing for many.   The effort and time invested in producing, sourcing and delivering content to an audience of potential future clients has a single purpose, and that is to move them closer to wanting to do business with you.   […]
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